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how many monkeys!?


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Guest Brighteyesmonkey

Timmy! The Three Headed monkey can pass the hheadache onto one head. While the otherr two have a nice fresh head.


I don't get hangovers! biggrin.gif

Just wanted to tell ya cos it ****es my mates off something chronic! rolleyes.gif




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Guest grannen

Will the threeheaded see six Timmy when he is drumk

Calvin.gifHobbes.gif and Grannen


[This message has been edited by Grannen (edited June 03, 2001).]

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Do we have to do all that math again?


What do you think Niko?





[This message has been edited by storken (edited June 03, 2001).]


[This message has been edited by storken (edited June 03, 2001).]

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If a regular monkey(1) sees two monkeys(2+1=3) when he's drunk, then a three-headed(2+1+3=6)should see(1*2*2*2=6+6=12)12 monkeys.





[This message has been edited by storken (edited June 03, 2001).]

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Originally posted by Grannen:

If these two monkies shares a bottle of Rum, who has the worst headache the next morning?

The Monkey Jimmy or The Threeheaded Monkey? <IMG SRC="http://www.escapemi.com/forums/smile.gif" border=0>



the equation for getting drunk is: [(# of sips * # of brain cells damaged)/strengh * (how many relatives were alchoholic + 1)]*[how many heads u are seeing/how many heads there really is]

if there is equivallent to 12 sips in the bottle, timmy would drink 3. Timmy is pretty smart, so i guess the number of brain cells damaged would be X to the 10th, while the 3headed monkey would be 3X times X to the 9th. i guess the 3 headed monkey would be 5x stronger than timmy. the 3headed monkey is really honest, and doesnt drink, while timmy is guybrush's "son", and guybrush is a drunk. so is HT. timmy would see 6 heads, when there are 3, and the 3headed monkey would see 12 heads (thanks storken) when there is 1. plug in the numvers:


timmy:[(3 * X 10th)/1 * (3)] * [6/3]

3headed:[(9 * 3X*X 9th)/5 * (1)] * [12/1]


now someone gimme the value of X being the # of brain cells damaged per sip, and i can finish the equation.


here i go again...



[This message has been edited by Al-back from the BigWhoop (edited June 08, 2001).]


[This message has been edited by Al-back from the BigWhoop (edited October 27, 2001).]

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Guest Dr._Threepwood

Ahhhh NiKOo is dead. How could you. He's dead, He's dead now who will I be able to pester? U should be ashamed of your self. NiKo deserved to live longer.Ahhhh NiKOo is dead. How could you. He's dead, He's dead now who will I be able to pester? U should be ashamed of your self. NiKo deserved to live longer.Ahhhh NiKOo is dead. How could you. He's dead, He's dead now who will I be able to pester? U should be ashamed of your self. NiKo deserved to live longer .etc. etc.


Sorry I'm in a bad mood





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Originally posted by newfoundgloryboy:


21432543 * 32445 / 3234 * 12 + 4 tongue.gif




Since no one else answered it








A dog can't get struck by lightning. You know why? Cause he's too close to the ground. See, lightning strikes tall things. ~Barney (the Andy Griffith Show)

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