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KotOR2: Fett Armors & R2 replacement?


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I'll start by saying I used the search tool on this forum, rather than read every entry on all 52 pages, and found nothing on "Fett" or "R2", so if this is old news to you guys (and gals?) I apologize.


That being said, here's my requests...

1) Has anyone made, or is making, or is interested in making Jango/Boba Fett style Mandalorian armor for equipping by characters and/or replacing Mandalore's armor? I've seen the various StormTrooper and RepCommando armors for KotOR, and there's the Fett model in the K1 Jabba's Palace mod, so I don't know that wearable Fett armor would be a stretch.

2) Has anyone made (etc...), or would it be possible (due to animations/# of limbs) to make R2/R5 models to replace T3-M4 and/or other NPC astromech droids? I've seen an R2 themed reskin for T3 (which does look good) but no new models, so maybe it's just not possible. I guess part of learning a tool is learning its limitations. How about a C-3PO mod of the Telos Czerka droid to be used as a puppet companion, might be more animation friendly?


My modding experience consists of 2 old mediocre DF2:JK levels 8 years ago (they're still on Massassi, but that doesn't imply they were any good, does it? :xp: ), which is to say I'm a nanometer above "no" experience. Now that I've got a good internet connection I'd like to learn this stuff and contribute to the community, and this looks like a great forum for beginners to learn from the experts. I'd be happy to do some "beginner grunt work" to help with this if possible. I could probably model an R2/R5 unit in Max9 but I doubt I could model a decent Fett mesh or make quality textures from scratch.


I know Original Trilogy mods don't fit the theme of KotOR, but they still seem to be popular, like the enthusiasm for a Han Solo replacement for Atton mentioned on this forum. Maybe a good project for some more ambitious modders here might be a YT-1300 replacement for the Ebon Hawk, or if the scaling is an issue (a tiny YT-1300 would just look silly, and the EHawk's not very big) perhaps a "YT-130" predecessor model with the MFalcon theme/look (Is it even possible to edit the interior/exterior Hawk modules? I haven't come across any examples other than reskins and added compartments/stations)?


Anyways, just some suggestions, since this is the forum for it, and again I'm sorry if this is "old news" to anyone here. The vets here have done some super impressive stuff. I just downloaded a lot of K2 mods tonight for the first time and am looking forward to checking them out. It should be like a whole new game with the droid factory and Coruscant's Jedi Temple, so I'm pretty thrilled. Well, keep up the good work. Modders keep the games alive and interesting, just look at that old fossil known as DF!

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Thanks anyway, Darth Riddick. I saw elsewhere that what I'm looking for is likely "Movie Mandalorians 3.0" but it doesn't seem to be hosted on any sites I've found. Also, I've seen posted that modules, such as Ebon Hawk's interior and/or exterior, cannot be physically altered but simply reskinned. If that's the case, then ignore my YT-1300/130 request.

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