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The Legend of "Shiznit" "Shiznitle" and "Shiz"


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The following is not a joke.....


........i was about four....me and my best friend were in front of the tv playing a consol game................i recall loosing the game so i cried out "SHI'T!!!" my mother heard me and said "dont ever use that word in front of me!!!!" so i asked "how about ****le? or Shazledoo?" my best friend suggest "Shazmit? Shiototo?" this went of for several hours untill we found the perfect word....."Shiznit" after time we used particles of speach ie "shiz, shiznitle, shiznitify, shaznate, shaze, and shizzlate." and now im thirteen and i hear all of those words on tv from snoopdog to that show dissmissed where this guy says "he thinks he is THE shiznit" WHO THE HELL TOLD HIM? I came up with the words and have never heard them before world wide untill now




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Stay in school, learn the system,

then change the system.

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Originally posted by Guybrush122:



i dont know...


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jkjk. wink.gif

is that a tru story gb122? cool



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1 0\/\/n j00!!!


I actually did invent pokémon back in the twenties but Nintendo bought it off me for 3 shillings, tuppence and a bag of soot



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har har har........veeeeeeeeeeeeeery funny guys........greeeeeeeaaaaaaaat just a laugh riot........har har..............ohhhh, funnnyyyy........haha......hoho......hehe......harhar


I FREAKIN MEAN IT! At least al believed me



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Stay in school, learn the system,

then change the system.

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I believe you, but I just wanted to be cool, because everyone else was mocking you smile.gif

I think it's probably just a coincidence that some people say it


There was a time once when I invented an operating system and went out for a drink to celebrate. I brought I guy called Bill home with me and when I woke up in the morning he was gone, along with my computer which contained the OS. I think Bill went on to be some sort of Window salesman





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You are looking at the maker of the WORLD! and microsoft, but Bill Gates stole my plans, along with my cat, and socks. It is a hard life! + Shiznit, or whatever, may have been around forever, but you just never heard it?!? And i made the first ever computer! I called it roger.

Nuff said!



"Get shot in the head, it will hurt in the morning"Some guy


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Originally posted by murta:

I think Bill went on to be some sort of Window salesman


oh, he sells windows frames? or just the glass? biggrin.gif



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Originally posted by Fazza:

You are looking at the maker of the WORLD! and microsoft, but Bill Gates stole my plans, along with my cat, and socks. It is a hard life! + Shiznit, or whatever, may have been around forever, but you just never heard it?!? And i made the first ever computer! I called it roger.

Nuff said!



Originality, can't beat it eh?



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OK, I have a really weird thing where I have a sudden urge to buy something and a couple of weeks later it will be a national trend. Examples:

- Yo-Yo

- Tamagotchi


TV stuff that I watched before pretty much everyone in the country smile.gif:

- Ali-G

- South Park


There was some other stuff but soemone through a rock at my head while I was writing this post and I got memory loss



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Originally posted by murta:

There was some other stuff but soemone through a rock at my head while I was writing this post and I got memory loss



i HATE that!



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Originally posted by murta:

OK, I have a really weird thing where I have a sudden urge to buy something and a couple of weeks later it will be a national trend. Examples:

- Yo-Yo

- Tamagotchi


TV stuff that I watched before pretty much everyone in the country smile.gif:

- Ali-G

- South Park


There was some other stuff but soemone through a rock at my head while I was writing this post and I got memory loss




i always have taht impression too. after i watch stuff, like a tv program or a advertizing or something, in the next day everyones talkin about it. we have this catch frase from a bathroom cleaner company, thats been there for 80 years or something. One day i noticed a portuguese error in it. in the next day, w/o me saying anything, everyone was talkig abut that error eek.gif this always happens



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I SPECIFICALLY REMEMBER before i even knew what monkey island was.......i remember seeing a tv show exactly about cmi...........it was the duck island scene and the 'you cretin' scene.......i remember seeing it......changing the channel and a few years later i bought cmi and when i played it i remembered the show.......it could just be a weird dejavu thingy but im not so sure..........



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RIP Bradley


Ahh the sound of sensi!

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