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{TSL}Need help... Making an update to my mod...


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As some people know I am new and created a big mod... I was planning on creating an update for this mod and was wanting help with it. Placing my items ingame, creating a new tomb for my mod filling it with enemies and such. Taking the Duxn tomb module and putting it on Dantooine and making the inside that of the tomb inside the shyrack cave. Thing is I am not good at making that kind of mod. Throughout the tomb you fight various ghosts from the Mandalorian Wars, and when you get to where you originally fought Revan you fight the two People in the descriptions of my modded items. Also toning my items down a bit, and so on. I also created two other items to go with this mod. I am in need in help, but if someone could point me in the direction of a tutorial to do this I would greatly appriciate it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
As some people know I am new and created a big mod... I was planning on creating an update for this mod and was wanting help with it. Placing my items ingame, creating a new tomb for my mod filling it with enemies and such. Taking the Duxn tomb module and putting it on Dantooine and making the inside that of the tomb inside the shyrack cave. Thing is I am not good at making that kind of mod. Throughout the tomb you fight various ghosts from the Mandalorian Wars, and when you get to where you originally fought Revan you fight the two People in the descriptions of my modded items. Also toning my items down a bit, and so on. I also created two other items to go with this mod. I am in need in help, but if someone could point me in the direction of a tutorial to do this I would greatly appriciate it.


Okay, let's break this down. You want to:


1) Place your items in-game

2) Take the Dxun tomb module and placing an entrance to it inside the Shyrack cave.

3) Put various spawn points for ghosts of characters from the Mandalorian Wars.


There are two ways you can put these items in game, either; (a) put them in the inventory of an NPC and then set him as hostile and kill him or (b) put them in a box, container, locker or similar. See this thread: http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=143536. Its very good.


For reskinning modules, you'll need this tutorial: http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=175101. Chop and change what you don't need. Essentially you'll need to gut the module of all placeables, spawned characters, triggers, waypoints, everything and start from scratch. If you want to reskin the module, just follow that tutorial.


Then its just a matter of spawning some "ghosts". If you don't want the "ghost" effect you get on some characters, just get the .utc files and do some standard spawning. Look at the tutorial I posted for spawning your items for the tutorial on spawning. You'll probably want to have creatures spawn when you reach certain areas of the tomb, so you'll need to make some triggers, so see this tutorial: http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=145870.


For any other tutorials, see here: http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=143427, or post here again with specific issues.


Good luck.

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Oh I see. THAT Shyrack cave, not the cave on Korriban - I don't know why I thought of that.


Either way, my comments still stand. Those are the tutorials you need.


One thing I forgot to add: You'll need to edit the module transition information on the entrance to the Shyrack Cave. Otherwise it'll just take you to the Shyrack cave, and not your module. Its probably covered in the tutorials, but just double checking.


Good luck :D.

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