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TSL Faster FP regeneration.

Wedge Suron

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I've noticed, when you have high Wisdom and Charisma, the Force Point Regeneration is slow. So it's just a basic upgrade. It could mean the survival of yourself in an extended battle. I don't mind if this is open to the public, hell I'd prefer it.


The Higher the Rank on both sides the faster Regeneration like:


Jedi/Dark Jedi Robe - Regenerate Force Points 2


Jedi/Dark Jedi Knight Robe - Regenerate Force Points 4


Jedi/Dark Jedi Master Robe - Regenerate Force Points 6

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If your reinstalling it, I could also do with a feat mod done too please. I've asked for this on another topic as well, but no one answers it.


This is the request: I'd like a mod that does what Toughness does for VP to happen for FP but I want it to be a Jedi Guardian/Jedi Swordsmaster/Sith Marauder feat, but with compatibility for all prestiege classes. I don't want it to be a replacement mod, an addition. I want it to go along side the Toughness feat, Same availiability as it too. I want it like this.


LV's availiable and Names:


LV 4: Force Stability




Jedi Guardian


Effect: Adds 2 points to your FP meter per level.


LV 8: Improved Force Stability



Force Stability

Jedi Guardian


Effect: Adds 4 points to your FP meter per level, this replaces the 2 point bonus given by Force Stability.


LV 10: Master Force Stability




Force Stability.

Improved Force Stability.

Jedi Guardian


Effect:Adds 6 points to your FP meter per level, this replaces the 4 point bonus given by Improved Force Stability.


Comments: I want this to be a mod that is for anyone. I want this also to be compatible with the Fast Feats mods. So anyone with it would be allowed to use it early if you wish.


I'm seriously needing it.


Both mods are for KOTORFiles if they accept it.

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I also thought, That the defense bonus was always too low.


Jedi/Dark Jedi Robe - Defense bonus 4


Jedi/Dark Jedi Knight Robe - Defense bonus 6


Jedi/Dark Jedi Master Robe - Defense Bonus 8


Jedi Robe - + 2 Wisdom, + 2 Charisma


Dark Jedi Robe - + 2 Constitution, + 2 Wisdom, + 2 Strength.


Jedi Knight Robe - + 4 Wisdom, + 2 Charisma.


Dark Jedi Knight Robe - + 4 Constitution, + 4 Wisdom, + 4 Strength.


Jedi Master Robe - + 6 Wisdom, + 2 Charisma


Dark Jedi Master Robe - + 10 Constitution, + 6 Wisdom, + 10 Strength.


Also, can we have one of each in the Exile's locker in his room on the Harbinger?

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Thats fine.


I've started the work, added the FP regen to most of them.


I'll finish tonight and get them to you tomorrow.


Edit: umm, do you know the file name of the exiles locker?


I can't seem to find it, and i kinda need it to place the robes there.


If i can get that to work that is.

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Hmm, ask the guy with the Exile's robes. He uses the same locker for it.


Edit: His name on KOTORFiles is Bill Hickle. But of course, it doesn't have to be there. The things proper name is Exile Item pack. Do you know how to just put them into the inventory? If so that'll do for in the Medical room on Peragus.

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Not to worry, if you aleady have a mod that affects the body in the morgue simply choose the other utp.


The mod had to be re-submitted to Kotor files, i forgot to remove the screenshot folder.


The readme is posted at the release thread in TUCE, it explaines that you can either add both or only one of the utp files.

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