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THE Minigun Mod

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I agree. Though I feel that your being entirely faithful to the actual design of the Vulcan minigun is to be commended, I think another version of the mod featuring another handle to get rid of the problems with the floating hand wouldn't go amiss, especially considering all the hard work you've put into the aesthetics.

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I'm going to make HK-47 a VERY special one one this is all over with. It's going to shoot exploding droid parts, and have a custom muzzleflash.

I really love this mod! It's cool. But I would ask you to reconsider making a gun that shoots exploding droid parts... For one, why would you shoot droid parts? Other explosives would make more sense and be less expensive, and also wouldn't be so jarringly out of character. (I mean, I'd imagine staring at the screen and going... (the ammo is 1/8th the size of the gun! Where's it coming from?!)

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I like it, but I think I'll like it even more if/when you make one for Candy. He always needed a hardass gun, and the one they gave him just wasn't good enough.


I also agree that you should change the way the front hand holds the gun.


Good work nonetheless.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hah! this fits perfect for Canderous ;) ... looks like this ancient human weapon survived for millennias till Revan's times ... I'd probably suggest adding the feat weapon proficiency: heavy weapons because it looks a pretty heavy weapon for some characters as little Mission or Bastila i.e. ... :roleyess: (if I recall it was not set).


The modelling is perfect Sithspecter, 9.5/10 for me.


Thanks and keep this coming! :)

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