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It's Gone


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Weeelll.....now that i think about it we are actually kind of lucky to mod old school, remember fake niko? all he ever did was post in the CMI topic under old school, so niko and dingy do clean up and when another idiodic trouble maker comes along hell be posting his ass off under old schoool and we get the fun of tormenting him. smile.gif j/k


being a moderator is an honor, whether i am modding a "boring" forum or not tongue.gif



<IMG SRC="http://www.imgstudio.com/lthumb/92016104217.jpg" border=0>

RIP Bradley


Ahh the sound of sensi!

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Originally posted by murta:

I managed to retrieve the thread from my cache, you can find it here: http://www.escapemi.com/forums/Forum2/HTML/ms.html

but you won't be able to reply



yes u can!!<IMG SRC="http://www.escapemi.com/forums/smilies/cwm27.gif" border=0>



i can b your hero baby.i can kiss away the pain.

i will stand by u forever. u can take, my breath away-wtc tribute

<IMG SRC="http://www.bszone.f2s.com/bilder/logo.jpg" border=0>

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I am happy I didn't mean to sound like I'm not happy, and I am sorry if you thought I'm not, it's just that all the troublemakers post in the harbor or general discussion or clues and hints, and I feel like I'm never gonna get to close trouble maker posts or delete them tongue.gif That's kinda why I wanted some of them changed around, so at least me, Guybrush, Fender and Frenchy would have more of a chance of closing topics or deleting them coz that's where all the trouble makers are. If that makes sense?


On the other hand, that means Brief, Grannen, Dinghy and NiKo have to do all the work tongue.gif



<IMG SRC="http://nattsy.homestead.com/files/disco.gif" border=0>


Natty Is Feeling Very <IMG SRC="http://www.imood.com/query.cgi?email=nattydevil@optushome.com.au&type=1&fg=CC33F&bg=66CCFF" border=0> At This Present Time (Note Subject To Change Without Warning!)

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*attempts to use sex appeal against the 3 MALE secrets tongue.gif*


Eich. just kidding.

*Looks at the picture of "kling" and gags*





<IMG SRC="http://www.frenchyslawns.com/images/logo.gif" border=0>

"Oh, I bet you do you Canadian Paunch"~Sean Connery, SNL


Currently I feel: <IMG SRC="http://www.imood.com/query.cgi?email=liquid_water4@hotmail.com&type=1&fg=CC99FF&bg=333399" border=0>

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