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Help on a Recruitment Mod

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Hello everybody. I recently got back into modding attempts, and I'm stuck at an roadblock here. I'm attempting to spawn a Jedi character, Zaen, on Dantooine near one of the large trees on the Matale grounds. He should replace T3, however, I can't even get him to appear! :p


The trigger for his spawn script is set when Master Dorak explains that the "ruins have been known to them, but assumed they were burial mounds, etc." However, after I am allowed to leave the sanctuary and I head to where he should spawn, he never appears.


It would really help if someone who has a save game in that area (Dantooine, before fighting Juhanni) could run through my mod and tell me what I'm doing wrong... or at the very least, examine the scripts/dlg files I'm using to make sure its done correctly. Here's the Mediafire link...




Thanks guys.

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Hmm... so to make it simpler, I could make it so that when the PC talks to Nemo or that guy who wants the Mandalorians killed, he spawns in front of the ruins?




I changed the spawn script so it is fire when you talk to Nemo and he says the stuff about nature and the Force (when you first meet him). However, I still can't get Zaen to appear outside of the ruins... could someone look over the files and make sure I did everything right? I feel as though I'm missing something.


*Updated download link* - http://www.mediafire.com/?2jybvfht9ce

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Yeah, that's not the problem.


The major thing I see is the tag.


You still have the tag set to T3M4 instead of p_zaen.


And not only that, in your script, you reference the resref "p_zaenbenax" which is your filename, and not the actual resref, p_zaen.


Use the same name for everything to help keep yourself straight.


So to recap:

Set the tag and template resref fields to the same thing, and then use that in your spawn_zaen script instead of p_zaenbenax.





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Well, I changed the tag and the template resref to p_zaen, and all references of it (the spawn script for example) have also been changed to match it. However, he still won't appear! And yes, I have the coordinates right (whereami says he should spawn at 319.89, 85.24, and 1.87), so I don't know what the problem could be... would starting a new game help, because its autosaved right before I talk to Nemo...

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It might be a problem with the dialog, too. I'll give it a look-see.


Post your updated script, if you would.





I think the problem might be the fact that you have a script run in the middle of the dialog. I remember when I used to mod K1 I always made the script fire on a blank node, but I can't remember if that was to make it easy for me or because it was necessary.

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Hmm, a saved game? Yeah, here's a link to it (its right after your first dream sequence on Dantooine, before the Jedi training)...




And as for Nemo's dialog, no there's no specific reason. I just put it there b/c its the first person you can have a conversation w/ outside the Jedi chambers.



Well, to be honest, he's probably not a very good choice, because if the PC has gotten the quest to go into the ruins, Nemo disappears and he is replaced by a corpse.


I'm looking at your script right now. It's not very simplified, so I took out a bit of the excess. Some things I've noticed - one of the most major is that you have the character walk up to you and start talking - but this script fires in the middle of the dialog with Nemo. And not only that, you have him start talking with a dialog file that doesn't exist. So I'm trying to clean it up.



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Got sidetracked. R/L sucks sometimes.


Would you like me to add it to the module itself, so that way it spawns him when you first come to the area?


Or would you rather I talked you through it?





I just saw something!


You need two *.utc files - one that just stands there and you talk to them before they are recruited, and then one for when they're actually in your party. I only see the second one here.



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You can add it to the module when he first enters I suppose. Unless you think its better talking me through it.


-- edit --


Of course... that would explain a bit... I suppose for the time being, I could just copy/paste the first utc and make a copy of it...

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You can add it to the module when he first enters I suppose. Unless you think its better talking me through it.


Ok, this should work. Create a new *.utc with another tag... such as jm_zaen.

then use this:

void main() 
 if (!GetIsObjectValid(GetObjectByTag("jm_zaen"))) {
                      CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE, "jm_zaen", Location(Vector(319.89, 85.24, 1.87), 0.0));
      ExecuteScript("old_14a_area", OBJECT_SELF);


And extract the k_pdan_14a_area.ncs file from the RIMs section under danm14aa and Scripts, Compiled.


Then go ahead and rename that file to "old_14a_area.ncs" and compile the script I just posted as "k_pdan_14a_area.ncs".


Make sure you change the dialog to zaen_invite when you're creating your new *.utc file.


Then throw the files into override and test it.




Be back after the season finale of House.

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Are you sure your coordinates are correct?


I've eliminated all of the bugs I see - but it's possible that one of the script functions I used could have been the wrong syntax.


I might need someone like stoffe or TK to come check it out.


Compile this code and put it in as the k_pdan script.


void main() 
vector vPosition=Vector(319.89, 85.24, 1.87);
location lWhereToSpawn=Location(vPosition,0.0);
CreateObject( OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE,"jm_zaen",lWhereToSpawn);
ExecuteScript("old_14a_area", OBJECT_SELF);



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Well, I adjusted the script, but he still doesn't show up. Quite a stubborn thing, or maybe I'm just missing a variable or haven't changed something? I'll go through the scripts again to check for errors.


-- Edit --


I think it might have something to do with either the .utc file or the spawn.nss script. Most of the other files look like they work fine.

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Yay! Zaen now appears where he is supposed to appear. I just forgot to copy a part of the script you gave me correctly :lol: Thanks for the help! However, there are 2 more minor problems...


1. There are around 40 copies of him all standing around in a circle, how can I make it so there is only 1 of him?


2. When I click the recruitment option in the dialog, he says he'll join me, but he doesn't actually join my party.



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Could you post the script you're using to add him to your party?


I suspect that you might be having the same problem as I was having. I was trying to replace Juhani with my character, and after trying dozens of things, I finally found a solution. Try remaking the .utc file using the person you want to replace as a template. i.e. if you want to replace Mission, open up Mission's .utc file and rename it, set the skills/feats/etc. how you want.

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