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Darth Bane


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Any nice work done around Darth Bane for TSL? I've noticed a portrait and clothing one for KOTOR, but havn't noticed anything yet on either his saber or the orbalisk armor he wore for about ten years. I know Revan was a big shot but who succeeded where he failed? :p

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http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Image:Darthbane.jpg heres a pic of the orbalisk armor, I can't find a good pic of his saber, most of the ones I've found I believe are inaccurate due to the fact that I've read that he had a curved hilt.


Hmmm, modelling is something beyond me, I'm afraid, I'm a skinner, if I get a chance I'll do you the Bane head :) but the Saber and mask are not my department I'm afraid.

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That could work, also I've been wondering, with the cheats in the game where you can just keep gaining levels, is it possible to make a new prestige class where you have the abilities from all three unlocked, like a "Dark Lord of the Sith" or "Jedi Grand Master".

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That could work, also I've been wondering, with the cheats in the game where you can just keep gaining levels, is it possible to make a new prestige class where you have the abilities from all three unlocked, like a "Dark Lord of the Sith" or "Jedi Grand Master".


While you can add new classes to the game, you cannot add new force using classes, though you could replace one of the exsisting classes, e.g. turn a Jedi Watchman into a Jedi Grand Master.

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