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Aurora Light/Hex Editing Question


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I've taken a skybox from the games files (K1), and added it into the .lyt file, where it appears in-game. However, a sun flare that is apparently half functional is creating a huge white box whenever I turn towards the sun. Does anyone have any idea how to add a texture to it through hex-editing? It's an aurora light that has some sort of flare but no apparent texture at all. If anyone has any information or ideas, I'd be glad to hear from you!

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Well, I know where the texture info is stored in the lightnode's headers. Unfortunately, adding one through hex-editing isn't that simple as you are essentially adding one record to a structure containing all the flare textures' names for that node, so you'd be displacing all subsequent node structures and you'd need to recalculate the relevant offsets.


Does the model contain animations, skinmeshes and/or danglymeshes? If not, you could add the flare texture in Max and successfully reimport it with KAurora.

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It doesn't contain any animations or skins, and I don't think it has any danglys, but I tried adding the flare texture to it, and the whole thing just turned foggy. I'll post a pic later, maybe I did something wrong. Also, I tried to adjust some of the properties other than just the texture.

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