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{TSL} Dantooine Tomb


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I was thinking, since I can't seem to understand the tutorials of how to go about doing this... I was wanting there to be a Dantooine Tomb that you would have access to when you go to Dantooine. It would be that secret tomb on Korriban, the inside, and the outside would be the Dxun Tomb entrance. I was also thinking, you know when you get to the end of the Korriban Tomb you exit through that one door behind the sarcophagus (spelling?), anyways when you get to it in the end of the "New Tomb" you would progress into the next part of it which would be the inside of the Dxun Tomb. There would be ghosts of both sith and jedi from the Mandalorian wars, but when you get to certain parts of the tomb you have to fight certain ghosts that the exile "met" during the Mandalorian Wars. I have ideas for the certain people, one being me, and their weapons, like my black saber. I was wondering if someone could do this for me. I would greatly appreciate it... I could do items, and reskins, and thats about it. So all I need is someone that can put these items in game and equipt them to the people that you fight in the Tomb. Thanks to whoever may do this.

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It would be relatively easy to do this (at least, very possible to do this). Get the module files for the different modules you want, gut them out, change the names and textures, and voila, a new tomb. Look at Marius Fett's (previously DarthDingDong's) tutorial on reskinning areas. And then modify as needed. What you'll essentially need to do is change where the doors link to, so your tomb's doors link to the appropriate areas. Once you've done that, change the interiors as desired.

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