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Mandalore Redone


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hey i was wondering could someone help me whit making a mod that changes the appareance of mandalore to a ''basic mandalorian troop'' but unique color and some notable difference compering to the basic troopers.. and the person who helps me can chouse the color and notable differences but ofcorse asking my oppinion :D


thank you..

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yeah well Skye aka. 90SK released it at pcgamemods and pcgamemods is down so no can do..


and Darth Payne you are almost near what i ment, but it is still Mandalore the basic its just recolored whitout the tubes (no offence).. what i wanted was a neo-crusader armored mandalore whit notable differences like away that you see that hes the leader i dont want enykind of metallic robocop mando just like a yellow armored neo-crusade armored mandalore whit a cloak.. like cassus fett in the kotor comics : http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Image:Poscassus.JPG


i would like it this way.. if possible..

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thats a good idea EnderWiggin, but the prob is that when i read the description by a link given from Darth Payne the armor made by Skye is silver whit some mando logos and as i sed before i dont whant enykind of robocop wannabe Mandalore armor.. the silver just dosent fit whit the neo-crusaders i hope people gets my point :D i mean i dont hate the original armor but i dont either love.. it is just so non-cannon to me..

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