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One man can make a difference


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I'm playing Through my jumbo-large instant action file on BFII, but I'm keeping score. Have nearly all settings maxed, and on elite. I play it top to bottom, and the score is currently Universe16- Relenzo2 64. Heh heh.

Why am I doing this? To prove that one man can make a difference? To make a post with an obscure Knight Rider reference? Probably to gloat over the Universe with my ownage. Try it! Some of you vets who get a little bored with this game, you might like it.

Comments? I'm on "J" on the list right now.

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The AI may be dumb, but there are a LOT of them, especially in some maps. Give yourself an impossible task, such as capturing the backmost CP. In some maps, that is IMPOSSIBLE. For that matter, in some maps it's impossible to win by capturing all the CP's.

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Creating an Alamo like situation can be fun. Sometimes i will intentionally lose most of a battle until the point where there is an equal number of friendly AI on the field compared to the reinforcement count. This way i am the last alive with one reinforcement ticket left, you can tell this because its the point of a mass spawn by your AI.


The plan is ruined if you die between that point because there will be one AI and yourself with only one reinforcement ticket left, meaning you have to defend the idiot. Either way after that point i defend the CP and kill all remaining enemy AI depending on how well off i allowed them to be. Most maps work well because there are many easily defendable CP's.

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The last time I played the newest 607th map, I forget which one it is, I managed to hold the temple CP at the bottom of the hill using the CIS hero unit, the only ai was stuck behind the temple so he couldn't be killed and I just saber threw every republic who came up which dropped their reinforcements from 250ish to about 10, and then I switched to the rocket trooper and remote rocketed all of the remaing rep vehicles to win the match, it may have taken me around 45 minutes to beat, but it was worth it

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