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Age of Empires III

The Doctor

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So, I've recently hopped onto the online play for Age of Empires III, and I'm loving it. I've only got the one Home City - Britain, level 11; I have both expansions, so I can play on either War Chiefs or Asian Dynasties.


My handle is Ahmahl_Kotay. I'm a member of a Scottish clan, but I don't plan on sticking around much longer than to learn the ropes of online play.


Does anyone else play the game, online or otherwise? Anyone fancy a match?

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I've played it, and while it's not a bad game, it's nowhere near the awesomeness that was Age of Empires II. 3 can be fun, but it can't give me that epic, fulfilling, awesome sensation I get from the first. Regardless, I played as the Russians in AOE3; they were pretty cool. :D


The Asian Dynasties expansion pack also kicks ass; it actually brought me back to the game and I managed to sustain it for a few months, partly because it had India in it (complete with heavy Indian accents and American-accented, odd-sounding Hindi :D ). Still, it was a masterful expansion pack!

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At least it wasn't as bad as Age of Mythology ;)

I played AoE III at a friends place, even though I liked it, it's not a game I'd pay full price for, considering I have an awesome strategy game in the form of Warlords Battlecry II (which is the God of all games)

AoE II still rules the AoE series...

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