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The Sith Lords Update Won't Work...

Revan 411

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Hey Guys! :)


Listen, recently I got a new computer with Vista, and I tried out TSL (The Sith Lords) on it, and to my great surprise it worked perfectly on Vista, thanks to a Vista patch I found on KOTOR Files.


So it works perfectly, but there is one thing that doesn't work with it...


The KOTOR II update won't work on it, every time I run it, this shows up:




So is there anyway, to update KOTOR II with out this problem? Please leave a reply on this topic, and remember, that KOTOR II works find on my Vista computer, but the Update won't work, so I need help with the update part.

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Okay, I downloaded the patch from LucasForum's wep site, and this is what happened:




Notice the frame rate drops happening, and the textures are... ugly. Usually, they look better once you install the patch, but its not happening... for me... :(


And the steps I did was..


1. I Installed KOTOR II normally.


2. I downloaded the Vista fix patch from KOTOR Files.


3. I downloaded and installed the update patch from the LF web site.


4. And the textures still look ugly, while back on my XP, it looked better once I installed, the patch.


So can someone help me out? :(

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It's kinda hard to tell frame rate drops off of one pic...the textures it's a bit easier to tell. Could the textures possibly be ugly because you're playing on low settings?


What if you try patching the game first, then install the Vista fix (if that makes any difference)?


How different is your new computer (hardware-wise) with Vista compared to your old one with XP?

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Well, my new computer's CPU is Intel Core 2 Quad, and the RAM is 4GBs, and also the Graphic Card is GeForce 9500GTX, and the memory is 650GB.


That and I have KOTOR II set to hight settings, very high settings...


As for my old Computer, it had 3GB RAM 37GB of memory, the graphic card was GeForce 5300 GTX and the CPU was... pretty crappy...

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