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help with .pk3 editing


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Hi guys


First time poster here but long time fan.


I am trying to edit my assets1.pk3 file to modify the dismemberments to 100 percent probability. I had tried editing jaconfig and also editing the target line on my JASP shortcut. Both worked 100 percent until I got to the level with where you rescue rosh (taspir2?)


However all attempts to editing the NPC files in assets1 (example C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy\GameData\base\ext_data\npcs\stormtrooper.npc) have failed. I unpacked assets1 using winrar, then edited the individual npc files where they had dismemberprob options to 100 and now most npc's wont spawn.


Any easier way to do this? Thanks in advanced :D

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set g_dismemberProbabilities to 0 in jaconfig? Wouldn't that greatly decrease it though? ...


1. You can do it on the console; also, it could be that it's cheat protected - don't know off the top of my head.

2. I think it means "turn dismemberment probabalities off". In jk2sp, from my personal experience, it did make all limbs dismember pretty often (with g_dismemberment set to 3), regardless of the probablities written in the npc files. As for jasp, I'm not so sure. Dismemberment sucks in jk3 compared to jk2.

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