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Star Wars: Episode 1 Racer XP Media Center Fix?


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Hello all.

I was cleaning up all of my games in there rack - there is about 400 games :p - and I noticed a lot of good games that I hadn't played for a good number of years, one of them being Star Wars: Episode 1 Racer.


Now, I didn't have it installed as I had only just brought my computer about 18 months ago and I hadn't installed more then a quarter of the games that I have.

So, when I tried to install SW:E1R, it would go to the main panel after I had put in the disk, then I click install, and nothing happens, the window closes, and no install window appers. I tried opening the setup .exe, but no luck.


So, then I went to the "Analyze your computer", just to check, even though I knew that it should run. Here is what came up: helpswrii5.th.pngthpix.gif

Of course some of this information is incorrect as the people who made this would have just set the maximum a computer could have then - not now. So almost all of the requirements are lower that it has on my computer then it really has.


Now I am wondering if anyone could help me out here?



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