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Medicinal and Recreational use of Marijuana.

El Sitherino

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Personally, I have no problem with people getting stoned if they want to. As long as they aren't endangering me, I don't care. I fully support legalization even though I've never used nor plan to smoke it.


As far as the argument that only adults should be able to smoke it, that's a good idea but impossible to implement. The same idea goes for cigarettes, alcohol, meth, cocaine, heroin, etc, but kids get and use them all the same with alarming ease. Any parent who thinks their kids cannot get drugs at school is....really really really stupid. Back in high school a good 30-40% of my senior class smoked pot or did real drugs. An even higher percentage of those in my AP/IB classes smoked. It was easier to find weed, booze, or coke than cigarettes back then. Just cause there are penalties for use while a minor or use at all doesn't prevent anything.

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As far as the argument that only adults should be able to smoke it, that's a good idea but impossible to implement. The same idea goes for cigarettes, alcohol, meth, cocaine, heroin, etc, but kids get and use them all the same with alarming ease. Any parent who thinks their kids cannot get drugs at school is....really really really stupid. Back in high school a good 30-40% of my senior class smoked pot or did real drugs. An even higher percentage of those in my AP/IB classes smoked. It was easier to find weed, booze, or coke than cigarettes back then. Just cause there are penalties for use while a minor or use at all doesn't prevent anything.


Well sure, having laws against something doesn't stop it from ever happening, it does however, provide a deterrent and limits the amount using it. Sure, a lot of people won't do them simply because they don't like them. But you have to admit, it'd be a lot easier for more people to do them if they were sold at the local market and anyone could get them and pass them around at school or some such.

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