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Battlefield 2 Expansion Pack


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I bought BF2 in May and was playing it fine, I just scrubbed my computer and, I want to pull up my old account, mainly because it had the expansion pack... Is there a place where I can get my password? And, if I do get my account will the expansion pack be with it... If I have to get the expansion pack, do I have to register my game, can someone else with the same CD and registration code get it too? Sorry for all of the questions... :D

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If you are referring to an account with EA/whatever then you will need to contact them to sort that for you. I recently had to do this with an EA account I had lost track of.


It took them about 3 weeks to sort, their support guy had some issues with English :p:(



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Ok, thanks... And, can everyone's PC in my house get the booster pack with the same CD and code?


for any online component, you may only be able to have one account per instance running at the time. For offline stuff, thats not an issue, though if a play disc is required to be in the drive that could hinder that. There are ways to circumvent that restriction specifically but that is beyond the realm of what we are allowed to talk about here ;)



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