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[TSL] Saber Reqests


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Only button on it currently is the red button. I was thinking about getting rid of that as well as you really won't notice it in-game anyway (hand will be over the top of it), not that it will free up a huge amount of polys.

But, the less polys there are, the better.




Apparently, all but imagehoster works, and, it happens to also be a great file hoster. No MU or RS stuff either. Equal opportunity for everyone.

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T'weren't nuthin'. A skilled modeller would be able to do it with less polys I'm sure. It's certainly an interesting challenge trying to model something with a limited poly budget.



EDIT: Here's the Osiris. The ring on the front looks pretty goofy if you ask me, but to each their own I guess. Haven't triangulated it yet but should end up around the 900-ish mark.




Alt link - http://imagehoster.us/uploads/8476023683.jpg

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EDIT: Here's the Osiris. The ring on the front looks pretty goofy if you ask me, but to each their own I guess. Haven't triangulated it yet but should end up around the 900-ish mark.



Luckily, my intarnets was fixed, and I can see photobucket once more. Don't need to use imagehoster for just me anymore ;)


Anyways, thats very nice! And, sometimes, you have to stray away from a standard emitter hilt, which, isn't what the Osiris has. And I really like how it turned out!


May I ask what file it is saved as? An Object or a C4D file? Because, I can easily find some GMax scripts to give GMax the ability to import them.

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The modelling is done in C4D, but then I export it as an OBJ and import it into GMax to get it into the game.


With previous hilts I've UV mapped them in C4D as well, but even though GMax excepts that fine, something screwy happens to the map after running the resultant ASCII MDL through MDLOps. I'm thinking it may be worth trying to UV map them in GMax and seeing if that makes a difference.


EDIT: Here's a quick and dirty in-game test of the Octane with the world's worst UV map (or second worst after the default hilt's map lol). Forgot to rotate it 180°, but it's otherwise OK. I trimmed a few polys from the original model but it's still just over 1200 polys after triangulation.



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With previous hilts I've UV mapped them in C4D as well, but even though GMax excepts that fine, something screwy happens to the map after running the resultant ASCII MDL through MDLOps. I'm thinking it may be worth trying to UV map them in GMax and seeing if that makes a difference.

As long as I can find that OBJ import script, I can easily make a great UV Map (probably not by your standards, but I'm a pretty good Mapper)


EDIT: Here's a quick and dirty in-game test of the Octane with the world's worst UV map

You think thats the worst? You should've seen my first map, when I made a Reborn style hilt.

(or second worst after the default hilt's map lol).





Very nice hilt. I'm beginning to think modeling with whatever you use is easier :p


Once I get that script, I'll send you a PM.

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Modelling in anything would be easier than GMax. It has to have one of the most god-awful interfaces I have ever come across. I'm amazed people manage to use it to produce the things they do.


The script you want is Chris Cookson's Wavefront OBJ/MTL Import Utility for GMax v1.1. You can get it here (along with an OBJ exporter) - http://www.the3rdage.net/item-348?addview


To use it, do the following (pic provided below). Extract the zip file to a folder in GMax's Scripts directory. In GMax, click the Utilities tab (#1), then the MAXScript button (#2), then the Run Script button (#3) which opens a browse for file dialogue window that should default to your Scripts directory. Browse to importobj.ms and choose Open. Now in the drop down tab highlight Wavefront OBJ Import and click on it (#4), then click on the Import button (#5) and browse to your OBJ file. If you UV mapped it outside GMax, make sure that you have a MTL file and the texture in the same directory.



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