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I Have Been Treated Unfairly.

Guest Rogue15

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Guest Rogue15

I believe I've accomplished my goal in getting u all believe that I'm a spammer.


Actually I did that to get some ideas on how to cut down on the spam at roguesquadron.net forums. I'm a moderator there, and the forums have gotten out of hand...i'm trying to gain access to moderate the forum where ALL the spam takes place. I'm only a moderator of the passcode forum, which nobody goes to.

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Guest Rogue15

what's your all problems? I've stopped spamming yesterday afternoon, and that was only 5 minutes worth of spam just to show rhett what spam really is.


I will not spam anymore, so sit down and shut up.


And this is only my 435th post on this forum. I'm outta here, no reason to be around a bunch of blind kids who can't see that I've stopped.

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Guest Boba Rhett

So using your "common sense", Rogue15, a murderer should not be charged for murder because he killed the person several days before the trial and not during the trial itself? Honestly, grow the other half of your brain........

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Guest Rogue15

u didn't get the joke, did you?


SPAM= Stop Posting Annoying Moderator.


it was a joke, so back off, or i'll blow u up. or something.

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Guest Rogue15

hey, i don't know where u live, so how could it be a threat? even if i did know where to live, you wouldn't be worth the effort.

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Guest Rogue15

why doesn't anyone just ignore the spammers and let the mods take care of 'em instead of flaming, which is what they want u to do. I still find it quite amusing that so many people flamed me. it's like the dark side. hehehe

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well folks, i'm back.

Here's the deal:


1) We've had several long-term, practical and in-depth threads about the nature, the look and the consequences of spamming. There's some stuff in virtually every tenth thread on spamming of any kind. Rogue 15, you being one of the long-time forummers; claiming that you don't do it and the later admitting that you did it for five minutes and EVEN using this thread to 'prove what it is' is unacceptable. That's just it. This forum has rules that we abide by and you can dream up most of them with common sense. If you have a problem, private mail a mod. That is probably the 34th time i've said that now. It's all about behavior., and if you read back in this thread, i think you'll find yours to exceed all boundaries. And that goes for DS_viper too.


2) The reason we're cracking down on it is simple; spam is spam. It's not some kind of 'ticket' that you can use three times before you can't do it anymore. If you do it, expect to be confronted with it and ACT ACCORDINGLY. Those who do not and start smashing around will be considered troublemakers and dealt with accordingly.


3) I've read this thread with disgust. Not so much because of the spam, but because of what some forummers have hurled at fellow-forummers. Let me be adamantly clear: if i come across this behavior, there will be only ONE warning on such language. If there is no immediate, decisive and definite change to be seen, appropriate action will be taken.


4) This thread is now closed. If someone feels he can simply by-pass all that is written above and claim something else, then i think it's obvious what our course of action is.

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