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Font used in end credits?


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Thanks neon! :thumbsup:


It's either P22 Victorian Swash Regular or Goodfellow. (Looks like the former based on lower-cased l (ell), but the latter is freely available.)


Victorian Swash is slightly lighter then Goodfellow. There's a bit of a dowdy "free" version available called "Burtonsnightmare.ttf" I belief. And yes, that one was indeed used on the artwork of "A Nightmare Before Christmas"! :) It is a lovely font indeed.


And speaking of fonts, I really love this one: http://new.myfonts.com/fonts/3ip/castine/


It's a font called "Castine" and it's designed by a lovely chap called Brian Willson (and he never was a beach boy). The font was inspired by New England grave stones and I have always thought they'd be perfect for AME games! :)

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