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Possible to make a new planet?


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I'm new to the whole modding stuff. And I'm not a computer whiz with all the correct programs but I think that KOTOR 2 is a bit smaller than it can be- May sound stange.

I would like to ask somebody if they can make up a new planet that is connected to the game/ make up a new story to it that involes stopping the Sith or something about uniting the Jedi. Like Coruscant or a previous planet like Tatooine or somewhre just a different part of it


I basically wanna know if it is possible to make a new planet for KOTOR 2. And if any modders here would be able to do it..... and MIGHT be able to do it. :confused:

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Yes it is possible to re-use current areas to make the appearance of a new planet. Some people are working on modeling custom new areas.


There are only a handful of mods that do this type of thing for either game at the moment, though some others are in the works. While not impossible they are very time-consuming and involve a fair amount of work.

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I don't want to sound mean when I say this but the most promising way to do this is to do it yourself. Just start with the basics and work your way up.


I did:

Item editing

Character editing

Made a big jump to Module editing


Never learned how to write them, just used templates.


With these basic ideas, you'll be able to exactly what you want. It took me roughly six to eight months of modding (been modding for a year now and didn't spend all of the time modding) and today I'm working on a new storyline at the moment.


I don't want to sound rough but like I said, the most probable way of making what you want is by doing it yourself.


Hmm... this post sounds familiar. ;) -RH

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