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There's a new forum in town ...

Young David

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Guest Admiral Odin

I'm not surprised. I mean it is the official forums. I would hate to be the mods on there. :D also I wonder how many are immature kids.

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Guest Boba Rhett

From what I've seen, probably about 1/3 are. I looked at a list of their mods, they didn't seem to have very many for that large of a forum....

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Guest Admiral Odin

That kind of figures. Most brats will flock to a place like that. I'm surprised they don't have many mods. I would think that kind of forum would have the most. But maybe the few they do have are very active.

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Guest Lord Tirion

I'm not going to even bother too. Thats the last thing we need is a place for all the die hard fan boys to run too where if you mispell a species name or make a blunder, you will be sure that you get 15 replies from people correcting you and giving you a 3 page essay on each species history and their economic plans to stop galaxy hunger and what not.

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All the SO-CALLED SW fans will flock there...that isn't my cup of tea. If I want pure Star Wars I'll go to theforce.net's forums. They have guys on there that scare ME:eek:WITH STAR WARS KNOWLEDGE .Which is pretty hard for them to do considering that I've been a major SW fan since I was three and that I read the Thrawn Trilogy for the first time when I was 6...in fact that was my first major novel period!!! Now I am the biggest Star Wars Fanatic in my school...and they think I'm the biggest in the state...:D

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