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I know I'm dense... Q's about creating new items


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I have tried looking at some of Achilles' HOW TO's and was kinda following T7's custom armor guide, but I just don't get it. If someone can direct me on my few simple attempts, I hope it'll help me to start to figure this stuff out.


What I am attempting to do, and failing at, is create new upgrade items. I also want to create new icons for them.


My areas of trouble (other than everything) are:


1.) I edit an item, for example, a lightsaber emitter in KT. I resref it and save it as u_l_emit_76.uti(or other unsued #). I place it in my override, add it to my game in KSE, and it shows up in my inventory, BUT, I cannot equip it to a saber. What is the obvious things I need to check/do?


2.) I created a .tga icon for it, how do I "attach" it to the emitter .uti?


This is not directly related to this topic, but I am wondering if anyone has created a dictionary/encyclopedia about modding? Like, what do .mdx files do and when are they needed? .mdl files are for... .uti files do... this. Is there a thread that explains or defines the parts of modding in layman terms?


So, anyone got time or inclination to hold my hand? :xp: Please!?!

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I don't think 76 is a valid modelvariation, not for TSL anyway. It lumps all the upgrade parts together under one category so there are heaps.


All you need to do for icons is to follow the existing name convention. As long as the modelvariation matches it will show up in-game.


MDL files are the models - the 3D meshes. MDX files are the model extension trees. I'm a bit hazy on what that actually consists of, but all you need to know is that they are paired.


UTI files are the templates for items. There are a whole bunch of UTx files for various things in the game. It defines the basic info about that object.

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1.) has anyone posted what model variations are available for each item? I know it would be a huge list, but I would rather use existing resources. I did not find anything myself, so maybe the answer is, no?


2.) If nobody has created a dictionary/encyclopedia of modding, while it maybe late, its better then never. I am starting one. So, look for lots of silly little questions from me over the next... however long it takes. But, does anybody know of one? No?

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I don't think 76 is a valid modelvariation, not for TSL anyway. It lumps all the upgrade parts together under one category so there are heaps.


I think I understand. I should pick a higher number like 276 instead of 76? I will try some trial and error and see. edit: only goes to 255, so an starting there and working backward...


All you need to do for icons is to follow the existing name convention. As long as the modelvariation matches it will show up in-game.


Sounds simple. But I am not sure if I fully understand. The model variation is the part that I am unsure of. Please elaborate. Just match the name to the .uti, right? If the model variation for the uti is good, it will work?

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model variation is a field in the uti,in kotor tool it is the first page,make sure your upgrade item .tga matches the naming convention of the game with your 255 number at the end of it,then set the model variation to 255 in the uti,for example,my cure force potions i made are a variation of combat stims,the naming convention is ii_Adrenaline_xxx(where xxx is the actual number) the stock game has 6 stims,my new potions are model variation ii_Adrenaline_007 008 and 009,i set the numbers 7 8 and 9 as the model variations in the uti files,hope that helps


Edit: another thing,for your upgrade item(s) to be useable(upgrade an item with them) they must be put in a 2da file named upgrade.2da,then they will be usable

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