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[TSL-mod-request] Dxun creature respawns & changes


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Well i have no idea how to do the scripting for this, but it sounds far simpler than the other Dxun mod ideas I've had. Here's the idea:


A few scripting changes to the dxun landing and dxun jungle modules so that every time I come back to the level, all the creatures I killed will respawn.


Notes I have about this:


the cannoks that have the phase core-peices. It is possible that respawning these will cause quest issues.


The Zakkegg- I love defeating the Zakkegg, and it would be awesome to be able to do it over and over and over again. It is connected to a quest, however, so it may cause problems.


The cutscene where Kreia teaches the beast controlling powers. There is a large Boma that I'd like to respawn, but the cutscene trigger may need to be changed a bit.


The part where you work for the mandalorian scout to track down the onderon military personnel. The Bomas and cannoks spawned that they fight, I'd like to fight every time the lvl reloads, and not the onderon military personnel, but those may all be connected to one trigger, and thus might be a problem.


Those are all the possible issues I can think of.


Here's the last part of the request:


For some odd reason, I can never change the appearence of enemies in the game by editing their .utc files, but I've seen mods that done such changes, so I request this last part:


-Cannoks changed to look like Wraids (Wraids get a green, jungle-adapted reskin)

-All Bomas changed to look like Dewbacks (Not to be confused with Kataarns)

-Maalrass changed to look like Mykals (Not to be confused with Shyracks)

-These three creatures get a big boost to constitution and strength (+30 each) to make them more challenging.


That's all I have to request please. :D

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Yeah, the jungle just seems too quiet after killing everything... Plus it's far too easy. Oh, BTW, I've managed to make a good green, jungle reskin for the the first Wraid after searching for the Wraid textures, so I guess there is no need for the additional reskin request. The other 3 Wraids are too hard to make a good reskin for due to the red coloration on their heads and backs.

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