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[TSL] Niman

Wedge Suron

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I've asked this for ages and ages. I've been told to either get M4-78 - or whatever the number is - or KSE.


M4-78 didn't give it me for some reason.

KSE isn't something I have been able to use.


Can somebody please give me Niman Form, with something that teaches it. Any other Lightsaber forms would be a bonus.

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As this is a repeated request, and since you may not make repeated requests here as they are considered spamming and are an infractible offense, I have to close this one.


You may not needlessly bump any of your old ones either.


Now if Star Admiral or anyone else does whip something up for you he may post a link to the download site or the T.U.C.E. release thread for said mod in your previous request thread.


I realize how frustrating it is when your request isn't made (one of mine has never been fully realized either), but we can't have people re-posting the same request over and over again.


Sorry mate.

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