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[TSL] Mira Love Story

Will O' The Wisq

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I have seen a few request threads with the above amount of limited content in them and I have seen that posts like these go mostly ignored and I wish to point out some things about making requests around here and what can and will help you in the process of making them.


Everyone, before posting in this forum it is a good practice to read the Unique Rules for this Request forum.


3. When you make your request use a descriptive thread title and explain clearly what you want to be done and take the time to think about what it is you would like to see, after all you’re the one making the request but if someone chooses to make it they will need as much information about it as possible. Also consider that it takes time and effort to make a mod and the request should involve thought and effort on your part as well.

Sorry but the above request is not very descriptive nor is it very clear or involve much thought or effort.


By not putting much into your original request post you really aren't helping yourself and are more likely to just be ignored.


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Thx for pointing it out RedHawke.


I like many others saw the lack of a real love story in TSL if you compare it to K1.

I want a more in-depth love story for the Male Exile and Mira.

Since I don't know much about modding I have no idea if this will be a small or big mod (Hopefully some of you know.) The only thing I could help with is how the story will act.



So to shoten things up I want a mod for TSL with a more in-depth love story.

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