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Do you like Monkey Island fangaming ???

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Hi, do you like Monkey Island and other LucasArts fangaming ??


I recently opened this new site about LucasArts fangaming, I hope you can enjoy it. And I hope this is not spam, I want just make an advise. There are a lot of funny games that were very hard to find in the web, expecially from when fangames.co.uk was offline. But today you can go to




It's an italian site but it also contains a complete english version.


Here you can find and download lots of free Monkey Island, Sam & Max, Maniac Mansion, and Indiana Jones fangames. Adventure Games, Platforms, Arcades, Minigames, and others. And you can find news about the Italian project, DARKNESS OF MONKEY ISLAND 5, that obviously is going to be an international project, translated in multiple languages.


Enjoy it !!!

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