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[WIP] Playable Zeltrons K1+TSL


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After another lengthy absence (I know, I know, where the commitment right?) I have decided to finish this mod off.


Does anyone have any inspirational ideas for darkside tattoos? I was thinking maybe some Stargate, like Molok or Baal's Jaffa tattoos.


I will do TSL variants for women, but does anyone want a pink skinned guy? If not I think I'll stick to women only.

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Male Zeltrons often have a Darker pink -almost red- tone to their skin. I think it would be rather interesting to have male and female Zeltrons. If you know how (or if its possible), maybe you could make it so that they have a permanent bonus to their persuade abilities (due to their pheromones).

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I would stick to females... but that's just my opinion. I'm sure some people would use the males... I was looking at the Stargate Gou'a'ould (Is that how it's spelled?) symbols, perhaps different ones for different heads? Anyway, when this is released I'll defiantly get it!

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@Te Mirdala Mand'alor:

Ok I will make some males with darker skin. It is possible to make custom feats that would increase persuade/charisma, RedRob has made a bunch of Race-Specific feats for some of his mods. I will look for a tutorial, but I am pretty sure you can only get the new feats through KSE.


@Mr. Shadow:

I was planning on using different tats for different heads, although if I am making males as well I might have them use the same tat as their female counterpart.



You wouldn't have to use the darkside tattoos. just delete them and the game should revert to the basic skin.

If you have even the slightest bit of artistic talent you could probably do a lot better than me. I tend to use brute force methods (for lack of a better description), so quality tends to be moderate at best.

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I tried making the hair more red but it caused it to clash with the skin.

I was never really sure about having the natural orange/red hair with pink skin, but it actually turned out alright.


The pink i have used is about as extreme as it can go without looking silly, in my opinion. It is far from natural by human standards but somewhat believable by alien standards. A more saturated pink looks too fluro, a more reddish pink looks like sunburn and purpleish makes them appear ill.


Here are some pics. I tried not to make thechanges too extreme just to highlight my opinions. I will go with popular opinion, so if you prefer one of the variations don't be afraid to say so. I won't bite.



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  • 2 weeks later...

If I could make a few suggestions, first off, you might want to take screenshots in a different location. The lighting in that room is a bit dark, so you don't get a true sense of the colour or value (lightness or darkness of the colour) of the skin.


I usually take my shots in two places. One is right outside that room in the hallway (right after Carth first talks over the comm). The lighting is a bit brighter, and more even. Another place I take screenshots is by warping to the hanger on Manaan (warp manm26ad?), and walking back around the Ebon Hawk. There, the light is very nice, tho a tad to the bluish side. You could also try Dantooine, in one of the courtyards (the light seems to me to be a tad on the yellowish side).


If you try one of these places, you'll get better screen shots for judging colour.


Second, when I'm trying to make alien skin colour, I usually use the "Match Color" feature of Photoshop. With that, you can pick an area of skin from one of the many comic book Zeltron images. Then in another tga (with human skin), select an area of skin that you want to change. Use the Match Color to give you a good starting point. It takes a while to get the hang of it, so play around, select different areas, different source images, etc.


I hardly ever use the "Hue/Saturation" feature to change skin colour. It usually results in flat, lifeless, "plastic looking" skin. Instead, I use the "Color Balance" feature. It is similar to the hue slider, but you can alter the shadows, midtones, and highlights seperately. Again play around with those sliders to see what they do.

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