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Poor Performance in 800*600 resolution

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Hey, new here.


I'm using Ubuntu 8.10 and playing SWGB 1.1 under Wine. However, I get low performance. The main menu lags a bit, and 1024*768-1280*1024 is unbearable practically. I'm using a Nvidia 7800GS (AGP 8x) and 384MB of SDRAM. My CPU is a AMD Athlon (462 Socket) at 1.2gHz. Anyone know of any fixes?

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I would say to upgrade your computer, but SWBG isn't a demanding game, so the problem eludes me. It might also be a problem due to to the low memory, as it could clog up the game along with the OS that's running. What is the native resolution of your video card, as you MIGHT be bottlenecking it, but that's a guess.


An Ubuntu user might be of more assistance, though.

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