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Statues in the SWTOR preview video

Darth Avlectus

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Yeah, I watched the vid again. You always catch something each time you didn't catch before. (until you know everything about it :lol:)


I saw those statues out in front of the Jedi Temple. Were those Revan and the Exile? Certainly seemed that way. The front statue on the right had a mask and hood. The one on the left with hood, and face was obscured.


What do you think? Anyone have a still shot?

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Good call actually!


I zoomed in and I think the two first statues are wielding a sword, not a lightsaber. And I miss the armor Revan wore.


Of course, the Revan from the comics wore normal Jedi Robes...and the statues resemble him quite a bit! :)

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