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Traps re-design mod


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I changed the way traps work in Kotor 2:TSL. They will now damage your party members too, if they are caught in the blast radius. It just doesn't make any sense that they are not damaged by their own mines.


Besides, when a mine is triggered by an enemy, the feedback window will now display the damage dealt to each particular enemy by frag mines, plasma mines, and sonic mines. If damage is halved, it means enemy succeeded on his saving throw (means no attribute damage if a sonic mine was triggered). If damage is 0, it means enemy has the Evasion feat and succeeded on his saving throw (only applies to reflex based mines).


I also fixed an error in the grenades script, which defined them as harmless. You can download the source files and compiled scripts here:




extract into the override directory.


I recommend taking a look at the traps script, as the in-game demolitions skill description is not accurate. The demolitions skill defines the damage dealt by mines and the blast radius (the higher the demolitions skill, the more damage is dealt and the bigger the AOE of explosion). Since this is not explained, most people think increasing demolitions skill to 20 including bonuses is sufficient, since highest trap DC in TSL is 40, and since you always get a Take-20 roll when setting/recovering traps, 20 is enough to recover any mines. But actually, you should increase your rogue's demolition skill beyond 20, because it will increase the effectiveness of traps.

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there's also a problem with the Droid weapons script k_sup_droid.nss. All droid weapons are missing the EventSpellCastAt event, so if the droid has the invisibility effect on itself, it will not become visible when using the shock arm or the flame thrower or whatever. All scripts in that file must be defined as harmful, similar to the grenades scripts:


SignalEvent(oTarget, EventSpellCastAt(OBJECT_SELF, GetSpellId(), TRUE));

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I noticed some additional errors in the traps script:


The damage variable nDamage that is already in use to define original trap damage is re-used in Frag and Plasma mine scripts, resulting in wrong damage calculation that is applied to the target. The problem is with the following code:


nDamage = GetReflexAdjustedDamage(nDamage, oTarget, nDC);


So the game basically takes the reflex adjusted damage amount of the first target and uses it during the next while loop run. Let's assume a mine deals 42 pts damage. The first target succeeds on his reflex save, damage is halved, means it's down to 21. Now the game simply takes the new number (21) and uses it to calculate damage for the second target. If he succeeds on his save, he takes only 10 pts damage! Even if he fails, he only takes 21 pts damage instead of 42!


The only trap script that is working properly is the sonic mine trap, because the developers used a new variable for reflex adjusted damage calculation:


int nDamageNew = GetReflexAdjustedDamage(nDamage, oTarget, nDC);


beats me why Obsidian fixed the sonic mines, but didn't fix the frag and plasma mines.


Also, the DC for stun mines is wrong, it uses DC 15 for all flash mines due to an error in the script (instead of passing the variable nDC in the WillSave script they simply put the integer 15, which is only valid for minor flash mines).


The DAMAGE_TYPE_ set for plasma mines is wrong. Should be DAMAGE_TYPE_FIRE, not DAMAGE_TYPE_BLASTER.


The additional damage calculation is extremely weird. I don't know if it's a bug or not, I need access to original PnP star wars manual to verify. Damage is calculated like this:


Base mine damage + TrapCreator Dem Skill for Frag and Sonic mines


Base mine damage + (3 * TrapCreator Dem Skill / 2) for Plasma mines.


Real base mine damage differs from the damage set in a mine description. E.g., an average plasma mine description says "60 pts damage," while in fact it's only 42 pts damage, strong mine deals 60 pts damage.


The DCs given in mines descriptions are also completely wrong. E.g., average Frag mine description says "DC 25", while it's in fact 20.


I fixed these additional errors and reuploaded my fixed scripts, use my link above to re-download.


If you want to fix the mine descriptions, edit dialog.tlk

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