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A/N: Hey, this is a new fiction I'm writing. :] a vampire one. Yes, I know, typical - everyone writes vampire stories these days. But so? I love vampires so I'm going to indulge :thmbup1: hope you enjoy. And yeah I'm aware that it's really short, but it's a prologue. So bear with me please. :)







People can't seem to understand what it means being like me; they perceive it as a curse, something to be gotten rid of. But on the contrary, my views are quite literally the opposite. Endless nights of the finest things in life – parties, people, desire and a thirst being quenched... and it doesn't end there. There are skills to be attained, goals to achieve and what makes this different from living? The fact that I'm not living.


You see, I hold the start pistol, and once my word is given I can do as I wish – I command the tides of fate, I hold a tight grasp on the lives of so many, and people call this a “curse”? Like I said, I beg to differ. I have as much time as I want, as much opportunity that is available, and I've seen it all: great triumph, great loss, the same mistakes playing on repeat, one after the other, again and again. Yes, I see this “lifestyle” as a gift.


Not even many of my own kind view this as a gift, but a curse. The concept of eternity can make them shiver, longing for that sleep that they discarded in a moment of fear. For some, it was never their choice, but for someone such as I, it was always my choice.


Nevertheless, with all fantastical achievements, comes the consequence... that even in life I had seldom experienced: the head rush of the intensity of this consequence, too, is enough to send anyone back to the hole they crawled out of – the ceaseless nagging of thought, emotion--- it is unimaginable. However it is a downfall I must endure, and until I find that one thing that can rid of these flaws, this existence will merely go on.

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