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The New Sith Empire

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Before I post the first chapter, I would like to say this right now...

this is a NON-CANON story of what might have happened had Luke fallen to the darkside rather than staying on the path of the Jedi. And if you don't get something I posted, like for instance in the first chapter, the clones follow Luke with out a reason, it will be explained in due time...

(oh and before you ask, I got writer's block after the first chapter of the other story and the other chapters stunk, so I deleted them from the computer. :p ) But without further ado...



Star Wars

The New Sith Empire


Leia Organa and Han Solo, along with their allies have captured the base that put a shield generator over the Death Star. Time is running short for their ally and friend, Luke Skywalker... within minutes the Death Star will be blown to bits by their other allies, the Rebel Alliance.


The Rebellion is moving in upon the Death Star, the Falcon has made her way into the deepest recesses of the Death Star and has found the core. With just a few proton torpedos, the Star will go down. However, Lando Calrissian, the current pilot of the ship has stalled the other Rebels, to allow Luke Skywalker just a little more time to escape the death trap for the two Sith Lords.


Meanwhile, upon the Death Star, Luke Skywalker has been speaking with the two current Lords of the Sith, who have been trying to turn him to the Darkside of the Force. Luke fought and defeated his father and tossed his lightsaber away as he looked at the Emperor, Darth Sidious, he saw power within his eyes.


Chapter 1

Return of the Sith


“Good… very good, young Skywalker. Strike him down and become my new apprentice.” A very raspy voice came from the side of a young blonde Jedi’s side. The Jedi slid his eyes over to see the man that the voice came from.


“Or how about this, Emperor… I kill you and Vader.” The young Jedi said, quietly throwing his lightsaber in the air and using the Force to grab the golden hilt on the Emperor’s waist. He smirked and activated the red blade and quickly sliced through Darth Vader’s helmet and cut the man’s head off. He looked at Palpatine, a fragile looking old man with thining white hair. The Sith Lord’s yellow eye looked at Luke Skywalker’s red eyes. Luke grinned and blocked the Sith Lord’s Force Lightning with the red blad and redirected it at him. It shot through the Emperor, but somehow Darth Sidious remained alive. Luke laughed darkly and walked up to the broked man on the floor. Sidious looked up at him, afraid for once in his life… the Force had left the Sith Lord and he was defenseless against the might of the new Sith.


Luke stabbed the red blade into Palpatine’s chest and the man gasped and with his final breath muttered quietly, “I will be back, Skywalker and then I shall have my revenge.” Luke laughed and pulled the saber from the dead man, blood began pouring out of the wound and Luke used the Force to contain it in a bottle. It would be very useful later on. That’s when it happened, the Death Star began to buckle and shift, the Rebels had hit the main stabilizers. Luke bit his lip and ran to his ship, guided by the Force. Stormtroopers began following the newly christened Sith Lord and when they were off the Death Star, Luke turned to them and explained what happened, telling them that he was their new leader.


Luke led the way down the surface of the planet and when the Rebels saw Luke’s red eyes and the Stormtroopers, they opened fire on their once ally. Blasterfire echoed across the expanse of the planet, alerting all of the Rebels to a disturbance.


High up in the trees of the Ewok village, a young girl with soft brown hair and big brown eyes went rigid. She had just woken up and threw on her Rebellion Armor when her knees buckled. Something weird was happening… she felt… darkness. Her soft, pale skin pressed against the floor, until a young smuggler walked into the room at which she was laying. His eyes widened and he helped her up, his lips drawing ever so close to the girl’s. “Princess Leia, is everything alright?” His soft baritone voice faultered when he saw the princess’ eyes.


Leia looked deep into the smuggler’s eyes and then kissed him softly. “No, Han… I am feeling a bit weird right now… take me to Luke.”


Han backed up slightly. He hadn’t expected a kiss from Leia, she was usually very cold towards him… then again, maybe his Corellian charm was getting to her. He grinned and nodded. “As you wish, Princess.” The man led her down to the ground and then they found the battle… a lone Jedi, with a few stormtroopers, fighting off countless waves of Rebels. The princess drew her gun and started shooting at her allies, stunning them. Han was less worried about stunning, he just wanted to kill something, so he killed several of his allies. As more and more of the Rebels fell, the everyone could feel the Force darken, including the Ewoks, though only Luke knew what was going on. Finally only Luke and his allies stood, though the new Sith Lord could still feel the breathing of some of the Rebels, so he discreetly used the Force to drain them of their life force.


The blond seventeen year old man looked directly at his twin sister. His blood red eyes smiling slightly. “Leia. There is something I need to speak with you about.” Leia backed up slightly, noticing the difference in Luke’s eyes. “It’s about your father… your birth father. Your birth father’s name is Anakin Skywalker… aka Darth Vader. I slew him and the Emperor on the Death Star, before our allies destroyed it.” Leia’s eyes widened and then for the first time, she noticed one of the stormtroopers had his helmet off and was bowing to Luke. “I always knew that there was something different about you. Something that was more like me… I am only offering this to you once… do you wish to learn the ways of the Force? To serve under me?”


Leia backed up again and then suddenly something hit her in the head. Luke turned around and looked at the Ewok up in the trees. He gripped it, using the Force Choke technique that Vader was famous for, and snuffed out the life of the tiny, furry creature. Leia stood up, her knees wobley as she nodded slightly. “I… I think I do, brother.”


A grin spread across the young man’s face and he tossed the lightsaber he had stolen from the Emperor to his sister, she caught it and hung it on her belt. “Come with me… all of you.” Luke said, to everyone that was present, even the newly arriving Chewbacca, C-3PO and R2-D2. They all followed Luke to his ship and they took off and stopped landed inside Darth Vader’s flagship, the Iron Fist. The stormtroopers aboard the flagship raised their guns, but lowered them, noticing the other stormtroopers following Luke. As they reached the bridge of the ship, Luke began barking orders. “Admiral send a mass holo message to all Capital ships and to Courscant.” The man at the front of the ship nodded and began working on the signal.


Luke stood at the front of the bridge, looking out the window, with his arms behind his back. When he finally turned around, it was only to speak to the Capital Ships of the Rebels, the Imperials and to Courscant. “Greetings all. I am Luke Skywalker, the new ruler of the Galactic Empire. My father was Darth Vader, second in line to the throne. However, the Emperor and Lord Vader have been killed by those traitors, the Rebels. The following people will be tried before the new Emperor… Mon Mothma, General Ackabar, Lando Calrissian and of course the main traitor, Juno Eclipse. All who seek to oppose the new ruler of the Empire will be destroyed, mercilessly. Oh and if the five of you are not at Courscant in the next four days, I will have my fleet destroy your homeworlds, just as Darth Vader destroyed the Organa homeworld.” Luke turned back to face the outside, gazing down at the superiority of the Star Destroyer class cruiser. “Han… say hello to your new ship. You are the capitan of this behemoth… Leia, come with me.” He said, turning on his heel and walking down to Darth Vader’s meditation chambers. Leia nodded slightly and followed her brother.


When he reached their fathers, meditation chambers, he turned and faced Leia. “Starting with the rise of the new Empire, I also end the rule of the two. We are giving way to a brand new golden age of the Sith. We must rally all force sensitives to our cause. I am entrusting this to your abilities… fail me, sister, and you will wish you were dead.” He said, in his dark tenor voice. “Take this and learn the ways of the Darkside… I took the liberty of taking it from the Emperor’s cold dead grasp.” He said, pulling out a holocron and handing it to his sister. “If I am not mistaken, it belonged to Darth Bane, the strong. Now go forth and rally all you can to our cause.” The new Sith apprentice bowed and made her way out to Luke’s old ship.


Luke turned and looked around the meditation chambers and smirked. They would do for now. He turned on the comlink attatched to his wrist and smirked. “Capitan Solo… we are headed for Yavin IV, the site of Exar Kun’s death. To the Massassi Temple… go.”


“Alright, alright… we’re going.” Han said, turning off his comlink. “Chewie… set hyperspace coordiants for Yavin IV.”

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This story needs a bit of work from my perspective. You should try to keep individual scenes apart when it comes to paragraphs. Don't have Luke, for example, kill the emperor and be on the surface of Endor in the same paragraph.


I would say this has potential, but it needs some work.



I didn't. >.<

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