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Stuck as Atton, Twin Suns don't attack


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I had some trouble earlier in my game, so my save file is a little corrupted and i keep having problems. I have solved most of them as I met them, but I need help on this one. After Mira tells me that my friends are in danger, I take control of Atton in the cantina. But I never get a cutscene, the Twin Suns do not attack, and I can use Atton as just a regular character...but I can't progress back to the Exile. Is there any way to force the trigger for that fight with the Twin Suns? I have the Work Bench installed but Atton cannot use the armband even if it is equipped. Using the cheat console warp moves his location but does not help.


Please help, thank you.


Edit: I have downloaded the gamesave editor, and I have located the variable that indicates the twin suns are dead. But I don't know how to trigger the switch back to the exile. Sorry for spam, thought the other forum might yield different/better results for the trigger issue.

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