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just wondering


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could anyone help me with something. i want to change the colour of the jedi masters lightsabers in kotor 2 and the hilts. i have USM but the jedi masters hilts don't show up on them. so if someone could help me with that it would be much appreciated.

also, how do i change the weapons of npc's. like i saw one of jedi shems videos on youtube and the twin suns had lightsabers. how do i do that for my game but for like any character.


thank you and i hope to here from someone soon.

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Okay, go to K2 and then go to the RIMS ----> Modules files... after you go there, go to Nar Shadaa/Dantooine/Onderon files and then look through those until you find the Jedi Masters .utc files (which should be pretty easy to find... i think they are at the end of each "sector" in the modules). Open up their .utcs and then click inventory. Then you can change their lightsaber, feats, force powers, how many HPs and FPs they have... all sorts of junk. You could even change their name. :)

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Their body bags are their dead bodies... but yeah, you will have to change what they are holding... and if that doesn't work, it'll have to be added in with a script. Because come to think of it, with the USM it uses a script to get their lightsabers... and that's a different subject, but if you need a script tell me and I can write one for you, or PM and I'll try to teach you how to write one.

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