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Need more help with mapping.


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I would like to know several things about mapping.


1: How do I stop other parts of the map appearing through my skyboxes?


2: What are Areaportals?


3: What is the difference between structural and detail brushes?


4: What is nodraw for?


Thanks in advance :)

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1: put those places somewhere else. Anything behind it will always show.

2: Used for blocking vis, such as preventing the contents of a room from being drawn if the door is closed.

3: Structure brushes are used to calculate visibility and such, detail brushes are not. Think of detail brushes as not really being there and you're on the right track.

4: It's used when you want some, but not all brush faces textured with something else. The brush doesn't exist in the game, or rather, is Not Drawn.

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