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List of idea's.


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Well i cant sleep, its so windy it scares me, especially since me home is surrounded by trees... ... ... YEah... I know V_V;


I thought i'd think a bit on this one.


And hoping ya'll could bear a ear, or find this do-able. Yes thats my new word now.


Lets see...


1). custom Ebon hawk! Able to place random interior, exterior, devices and furniture in and out about the Ebon hawk, at a Local space station for outfitting ships of all shapes a sizes? Even the option to upgrade your ship armor and firepower when ambushed buy raiding ships to make it worth fighting em.


2). Secret base Abandoned Flourishing planet.


A Planet left to develope due to a Enviroment system that has sped up the growth of the entire planet to a maze of Jungle, forests and high mountain landscapes.


there is a secret base where the most powerful forbidden technology-- and Monster's live. It is the longest level and most challenging...


Here is the unique thing, if you complete the entire planet, you can use it as your own base of operations... Yeah, Picture it being more roomier then the Ebon hawk, and being able to park that bad boy in a kick butt garage!


Here is the unique feature, as you upgrade the base, more areas unlock, And perhaps new things unlock.


Like the ability to enable "Raid mode", the beauty here is that, every now and then, monsters and maybe Some dark sith who happen to come by [Or Jedi and Republicans if your evil] Will attempt to attack you base, if they succeed, a sum of cash, depending on the damage done, will be deducted, and any items stored in your base might go missing. [Except your best equipment] ...Kinda sounds like it sucks huh?


Heres the beauty, you can hire Workers from far off to Manage your base.








Marketer and his co-worker who sells stuff for him/her.


Turret operators [Thats right, there is a plain that can be seen out the glass window that shows the enemy running into the place.]


And your soldiers/Jedi.


As you can see, your turrets can be upgraded, as well as their handlers can be trained to increase there efficiency.


Soldiers, engineers, Researcher's and repairers work the same way, but the Marketer and his co-worker sell better stuff with each upgrade, but they dont fight any better, let alone they dont fight at all.


Ill add more if i forget.


This is one hefty base... there are 3 levels, 3 more can be unlocked when repairing the base. The Top and bottom have a North....East...south...an west side... the Middle Is humongous and very spacey. the following can be upgraded to this ...oh [and the other three are under ground.]


The Market - Just for show but Many Marketers from around the world will set up their bazaars here to sell goods for you and your workers. As your base and population grow's, more marketers show up to setup shop.


Armory - The engineers will Have the most majority of space, and will reserve 3 Storage bins for placing random created items in it, and the Researchers can be paid to built this or that item, how much and forward the plan to the engineer, A room on over contains neatly arranged lot of over 20 Storage metal bins for placing misc items in.


Bank - A place to store your money, this is simple to understand.


Repair room - The Men and your Ebon hawk are here, they will repair your ship and send you off, or greet you as you come and go from the base. they can do some tweaks but their for repairing your ship to a good shape.


Reserve room - after hiring people, they will pinpoint your location, and randomly place people here will wait to be hired. Each person has their own unique abilities in one place or another. so chose wisely, There is even bathrooms and Lodgings provided here should they stay a day or two. At times, you can ask the clerk to send em home for a fee, to pay for their trip.


Bunker: the place where your Hired hand sleep, Nothing special here but their own lockers, Placing good items in their locker might better their battles and benefit you for it. also this where a special Cabinet is placed, as you achieve certain things, different trophies will be placed here, there is a locked room where you sleep - Masters room.


Reservoir - Just for show but to make it seem realistic, A room where A giant filtering water machine hook to a tank, and a Few trees accumulating apples into robotic-catchers catch the strange food for feeding yours troops, you can also import meat, as a cold storage will be added in here cause of so.


And importantly -


the Master chef Cafeteria - Different foods are baked here, and if you eat any dish cooked here, you might get a random beef or be treated to a funny surprise, depending xD [Hot sauce... or Something thats been in the back of the fridge for a bit... >.<]


Mostly just for a random buff or random silly event, its for show.


The bottom and top Keeps, in each direction, houses the turrets, As you upgrade em, they will appear differently, and be able to fire faster...more accurately, Stronger fire power, Maybe able to move around more to shoot enemies close to the base or aerial enemies.


Ill disclose the Unlock able Underground section of the base later.


Underground floor 1- the arena, The more enemies ya fight out in the world, the more baddies you unlock here to fight, fight for the cup and fight the most powerful enemy in the game. there is for settings of play, Each have their own enemies and ending boss:




Its okay [Normal]




Lord help me! [insanely hard]


As you progress, this does it by itself, even if its set for "Lord help me!"


underground second floor Holds and ancient Machine that can Increases your parameters and unlock some of your abilities for a rediculously high price. I do believe this idea came from a mod of someones i saw before, very handy ^^ I gotta remember it and post the link here.


IT was a Machine that forbidden for it could make a literal-- "Man out of you" By extraordinarily increasing your strength, Mind and power. It was abandoned cause of greedy invaders for power, but abandoned for the reason it was indestructible and the invaders did not have much in their pockets to finance a powerful army.


Underground floor 3 -


... ... ...


In order to unlock "Lord help me!" In the arena...you must defeat the most powerful Enemy in the game...


...the ultimate weapon, a ultimate machine...that combines...power...Strength...skill...courage...honor...And the force itself in its nook and cranny. ITs too powerful even for the easy and best not approached if unlocked unless your ready.


It may of been the father of the starforge, other say it is the starforge, but a Machine that fled its masters.


It has no name... yet you could feel it, the greatest threat is still here...you feel its presence... It cries for freedom...to use its power for righteousness... Yet cause its built for battle, and cause its spewing great power from its body at a alarming rate... It has Gone mad.


...Can you win this battle?


once you defeat it, random silly characters or whatever can show up here.


at times it'll be a cargo holding cell, At times misc people who are silly will show up and act funny.




As you'll notice on entery, there seems to be place-able spots about the first, second, third floor, and all the other 3 floors below ground. auto-turrets can be placed here to help your soldiers and other mercenaries have a edge should anything break in. They don't last long but their great in a pinch, especially when surprise attacking. Like the special defense turrets, these fellas can be upgraded.


Be advised, Raid mode can set to off, but if its on, the enemies will get tougher, depending on your game Difficulty level. Recommended for easy till you got your grounds, unless you like it on the hardest settings, to test your survival.


You will also have the luxury of a roomy Wide elevator for convenience and the ability to ascend and descend the base.


3). spy-camera - It functions like a hovering repair droid, but its out fitted for Recon and scouting. Perfect when your at a blind corner, and you know the enemy is there. As you use it, you will switch to the bots line of sight and move around with your directional buttons to get a good look. then click again to return to your character, and eventually the bot will return to you... Sadly while scouting ahead or watching in on a conversation, your left vulnerable.


---One moment---


Ugh... those branches scare me >.<.


---Back to the idea list---


4).Black hole gun - for kicks and causes instant death, when used it, opens a temporary black hole that sucks in all bad guys into it, the fun part is watching as the good stuff flies off their bodies before the hole closes, and to watch em scream.




Hm... ... ...



5).Battle Gizka: Want those Fellas to be useful? Well you can train em to fight with you as you go about, Outfitted with a gun on their back, its what makes these guys dangerous. Plus their ability to reproduce makes em a endless resource. they dont count as a extra party member so they dont overwrite a already obtained recruit, their good for cover fire and extra firepower. Maybe ambush if used right. when you and the gizka return back to the Ebon, it remains on your ship, even if you end up on the unknown planet, but hop around like a normal Gizka...With the exception the gun is still mounted on its back.


6). Expanded recruit menu - Sure...its 9 slots, but has any ever thought of expanding it to 18? Or 32?


It may take work and making a place for every character on the Ebon hawk [ and base if included]. but you'll be able to recruit your own custom made recruit- NPC's.


7). Appeal shop - How about a shop somewhere on one of the planets, that lets you have a new make over?


8). The Death Thermal - Well Mand'alore tried but im hoping he keeps trying.


But how about a Thermal grenade, with just the blast radius, but the ability to kill anything caught in the radius?


... ... ... [it stopped, Ill be back for more ideas.]


... ... ... Ill come back later so check back ^^l

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I think this would really be cool to have but to do it just by posting an idea and hoping that somebody will do this for you will almost never happen.


What you are trying to do will require from what I read (about 2/3rds) it will take at least 10 new modeled modules, probably on the closer end of 1000 scripts, and a hell of a lot of time, no lest than a year if it were done properly.


The best thing I can tell you is to learn the basics of how to mod, work into various areas, start making a few really nice mods to gain a reputation, then proceed with this monumentous project of yours.


I don't mean to disappoint you for not doing this but I encourage you to start modding so one day hopefully this thing will come out.

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I know..gosh im gosh im tired.


...Er-- anyway. With asperger's my understanding is different, i dont even have a idea how Scripting even works... Its not english or dumbed down enough for me to under stand.


Like "1 means it attacks, 2 means means its neutral until attacked, 3 means it does nothing at all if attacked. HGIJORIUM3x4 Means your placing a new npc as a merchant or a random person to talk to..."


...I guess i kinda do sit here and hope lad, Thank you anyway.


Im sorry..but i cant think straight.


forgive me if i sound like i was arguing or such at you, i meant nothing bad.


Bless ya lad.

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