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A Sensationalist Idea


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Note that these are not necessarily requests, and more queries on whether or not these can be done. Bear with me.


Okay, in my experience in gaming there are two kinds of modern games in terms of character animations: those that use a collection of reusable animations and those that seem to have an endless supply of different ones depending on the situation (save, perhaps, for battle animations and whatnot).


The KotOR games would be the former, I think. Throughout both, you'll witness characters doing the same nods, facial expressions, shrugs, etc. This works well enough, of course, since these animations are done well and used where they're meant to be used.


On the latter, I speak of games like...say...Half-Life 2 and Final Fantasy XII. Both play out a lot like movies, in a sense, since the characters tend to move like real people, with little to no repeat animations (save, again, for battle animations, such as sword swings and other things, or simple things like how they run around).


So, my question, is this: Is it at all possible to totally revamp or replace the KotOR animations, or, alternatively, add a whole bunch of new ones, to make the characters seem more..."alive", so to speak?


Yes, I know that you might as well try to completely rebuild the game from scratch and develop it yourself. That's why this is a sensational idea, and I expect to be laughed at profusely for even suggesting this, especially since these games place so much emphasis on character interaction.


If it's not possible...that's cool. If it is...well...the idea's out there, now...assuming that it wasn't already.

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I don't believe it is possible to add new animations to the game, and I've never even been able to properly replace or even edit base animations.


Games like Half-Life 2 and even Final Fantasy are more linear, and as a result the developers have the man-hours and money to make more dynamic cinematics. The reasons KOTOR's are a little more generic would be mostly due to code and time restrictions, as well as the age of the game engine.

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