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Who voiced Zez-Kai Ell in KotOR 2?


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Hi everyone,


I was just wondering if anyone knows who voiced Zez-Kai Ell. I have seen some U.S. Marines commercials on YouTube that seem to be narrated by the same voice actor, like this one:


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Is that the same guy?

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  • 4 months later...
I've been patient with this one. Five months and still nobody knows. :giveup:


5 months?!?


I just googled it in 5 minutes :raise:




As for if it's the same voice, or just a similar sounding one.. it's hard to tell. Unless contracted to, most Marketing firms don't list (publicly) VA talent. I know we don't where I work.


All of our VA talent really don't care to be honest, they're mostly freelance (or contracted) and have so many gigs they don't track individual jobs moreso than collect company logo/brands to display on their respective website/references.

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