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Black Medal

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I have been playing Rogue Squadron since 2002 and I love it. I have played it so much that I am always looking for new things to do.


One is to get a black medal. I shoot down all the Rebel craft that are destroyable, without touching any of the Imperial ships.


Anyone else do this?

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Another fun thing to do is to get the Y-Wing in the Calamari level. Immediately climb as high as you can and start dropping bombs as fast as you can, weaving back and forth a bit. I you do it right, you will destroy all the V-Wings and they will be floating in the water and calling for help. If you're not fast enough some of the V-Wings will escape.


It's also fun to get the Y-Wing and drop bombs on other ships, especially in the level where you see Moff Seerdon at the end (forget the name). If you're really good at bombing, you can even destroy TIE interceptors.

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