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TSL "What, you DIDN'T bring Bao-Dur to Onderon?"


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[spoiler TSL] Argh, help!


I'm on Onderon, fighting through Sky Ramp to the queen. I'm on the queen's side.


There's two white forcefields I need to breach, the first was easy, going through a console.


BUT THE SECOND ONE! When I click it, the game says "This forcefield can't be harmed by normal means (or something like that). Maybe Bao-dur can breach it with his arm"


Bao-Dur? BUT I LEFT HIM ON DXUN ;_; I can't find any way around or through the forcefield, I've tried to hit it and to set a mine on it.


Is this a BIG HUGE mistake in the game, shoooould I have knoooown that I had to bring Bao-dur to Onderon? Or am I just a bit tired and overlooked something?


Please... I don't want to to Freedon Nadd tomb over again... don't know when my last savegame before that tomb was ;_;

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You don't need to have Bao-Dur with you on Onderon - i've certainly never taken him, as I prefer to have him lead the assault team on Dxun.


I have it on good authority that bashing it with a lightsaber should work (the lightsaber has exactly the same anti-forcefield properties as Bao-Dur's arm, rendering his 'unique' ability obselete by the time you get one). If that doesn't, I believe you should be able to go to the turret control room, and use Captain Bostuco's access code on the terminal to deactivate the barrier.

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