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The tale of Jebord Esio


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I've been writing a full story about my TOR characters life. Here is just a snippit of what's to come:


The transport ship was leaving. With the Sith Master on it. Jebord and Belcameron ran across the landing dock, and just as the ship took off, they both used the Force to jump into the open side and landed right next to the Master. The sound of the wind outside was drowned out by three igniting and clashing lightsabers. Blurs of red and blue swirled around the small spacecraft. The Master used the Force to throw Jebord into the back of the craft, then focused all his energy on duelling Belcameron.


Jebord watched as the two duellers fought valiantly. While the Master was distracted, he took out a timed detonator and set it for thirty seconds from then and attached it to the floor behind some cargo containers. It was out of sight from the Master. As he got up to aid his friend in the fight, their opponent kicked Belcameron in the chest, causing him to fall backwards; right out of the craft. The Master then turned towards to Jebord, who had a distraught look, and used the Force to grip him in invisible hands. In split second decision making, Jebord pushed the Master to the side, ran and jumped out of the ship in pursuit of Belcameron.


Just after Jebord exited the craft, the detonator detonated, causing a massive explosion, which hit and forced him down towards the planet even faster. Due to the unwanted speed bonus he had received, Jebord had caught up to Belcameron. As the Jedi feel towards the planet below, which was coming up on them a very quick pace now, they grabbed onto each other.


"This is it, Jebord!" Belcameron yelled through the heavy wind. "I don't suppose you have any sort of plan?"


"My plan ended up there with the ship that's in a million pieces now!" he yelled back.


"Well, that's just great!".


They were now less than twenty seconds from hitting the grassy plains . Even with grass that high, the fall would still certainly kill them. It was time to resign themselves to the fact they were going to die.


Any criticism will be great and will help me continue writing this story!



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