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Artful Dodger

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Artful Dodger

A story of thievery, treachery, and love.















Rome, Italy - 1905


It had long been said by my people that thievery was an art form, and a difficult one at that. They said that it could be done two ways: Good, or bad. I grew up knowing some of the best, and some of the worst.

Fortunately for me those considered “the best,” were my family, and clan. You see when I grew up, Europe had many secret societies and clans. I belonged to a thief clan known as the “Shadow Sprinters.” We were the best at what we did, which was thieving of course.


Alongside of us were the Free Masons. Their roots ran deeper than any other… Not much was known about them, but everyone knew they were there. Luckily enough for us, our clan had formed a sort of pact with them. If we didn’t steal what was their’s (mostly holy relics, paintings, any belongings of their ancestors), they would make no attempts to stop us. “Stop us.” It was funny how they said that. It was almost like they knew something we didn’t…


Our enemy was the Vampire Clan, foul best that are neither dead nor living. They need the blood of humans to survive. Apparently, they thought my clan was an easy target because nobody would know ,or for that matter care, if we suddenly went missing. Well I can honestly say that was a mistake. Not only did the Shadow Sprinters specialize in thieving, but in assassination as well. This made us particularly deadly. Am age old war that lasted for centuries was fought between our rival clans to see who was dominant.


The thing that sickens me the most about vampires is their ability to turn the living into their own kind. Yes that’s right, and unfortunately that’s the reason I’m still alive and telling you this story… So with that being said, another thing your should probably know about vampires is that as long as they can find human blood to suck they will remain alive for eternity. Some times, though, like in my case, blood isn’t needed to live forever just so long as I don’t get a stake driven through my heart…


So now that you know my story, I think you should know my name. And my name is Thatcher Gray, but please call me Thatch, most people do. I suppose that it’s only fair that I tell you how I ended up in all this mess, if I can recall it that is… it’s been quite some time since that incident. A few hundred years actually…

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Part 1.


London, England - 1703


One cool and brisk night in Autumn of the year 1703 I was walking up an alley way bored out of my mind. I was tired, cold, and hungry. It had been almost a month since I had last stolen something. I felt and urge to do something exciting, but for some reason stealing didn’t seem to be it. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my various lock picks, a small knife, a bit a string but no money. I let out a simple sigh and kept walking. I was going to have to find someway to get a hold of some money…


Further up the alley I noticed a truck where two men were unloading what seemed to be flower into a bakery Now’s my chance, I thought. So I begin a silent but speedy run toward the truck making every bit of effort not to be seen. When I arrived there I crept behind a barrel and waited there for a moment or two, just watching. It didn’t take me long at all to realize a pattern in their work. Just as one of the fools was carrying a bag inside, the other one was grabbing another bag and hoisting it over his bony shoulder. But right as they cross paths there was a small window I could use to my advantage. It wouldn‘t be hard at all to sneak up behind one of them and slowly pry their wallet from their back pocket. I suppose if that didn‘t work I would‘ve had no choice but to bonk them on the back of the head. It’s a pity that I have to rob those who make barely enough money to survive already… I remember whispering that line to myself, twice. Well my wicked side came out and I decided I really could care less, I’d just make sure I didn’t take “all” of their money, but most of it. So I popped out from behind my hiding place and sprinted straight at the truck. I jumped for height and planted my right foot ever so softly on the hood of the machine. I then began a consecutive jump for the top. Now my blood was really pumping. The excitement of thievery was what kept me to doing it after all. So I tip toed across the top of the truck making no noise at all. When I reached the back I peered over the edge so I could see what they were really doing. I watched them go back and forth several times before attempting to make any move. Finally when the time came, just as they walked past of each other and the window opened I stealthily hopped down to the ground keeping as low as possible. I looked both ways and saw each man walking in opposite directions. I ran for another car parked in the alley way and waited there for a chance to make my move. I decided I’d go after the one headed for the truck. So I jumped, skipped, sprinted, and rolled having loads of fun as I approached the man still making sure not to make so much as a squeak. I got right up behind him and saw the bulge in his back left pocket his wallet was making. Bingo I whispered to my self to quiet for him to here. I reached into my pocket and pulled out a small crooked tool. Trying to reach ones hand into a pocket is quite risky after all. So I began to ease the tool down in his pocket walking with him (I was a master of this stuff you know). When I felt it clip the bottom of the wallet I gave a faint smile, and began to pull it upwards. Surely enough the top of the wallet pierced the surface. This is almost to easy. I thought to myself. I reached my hand over to grab for it but my wrist had a sudden spasm and the man felt the jerk. He turned around, and when he saw me sitting there in my dark coat, his eyes grew as big and bright as the moon shining down on us. He yelled for his companion, and I heard the other man yell back. Bloody hell… I said to myself out of pure frustration. Well my response was quick, but a tad unfair, cheap, and dirty. And that response was, well… Plan B, bonk him on the head. So I reach inside my coat and pulled out a foot long stick. I pressed a small button and it extended into a full 4 foot cane with a crooked edge on the end for grabbing things. This tool, that I forgot to mention, was the tool of the trade. All thieves had one and carried it on them. Usually they were passed downed through generations. But back to my story. So like I was saying, I brought the cane straight down on the top of his head and the crook caught him right on the back of his head. A perfect hit… I had struck him in a part of his body that knocks him out without hurting him to terribly much. Once his what seemed to be lifeless body fell to the cobblestone ground, I grabbed his wallet. And removed about 70% of his money. Not much, but enough for some food and an ale or two. And after that I sprinted off.


Ok, I suppose after taking a month long break I was a bit rusty, but I cant control when my adrenaline kicks in, and my wrist decide to flinch. I got what I wanted though, so that was the important thing. The poor fellow was probably scared out of his mind…The one still standing I mean. But I didn’t feel bad about robbing him of his money, I still left him some. Hopefully he doesn’t have a wife and 10 kids to feed.

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Part 2.




Around thirty minutes later I found myself standing in Heinrich square. The Heinrich’s were a wealthy family who once lived here, but now their old house was remodeled into a bar, The Sea Haven. It was given it’s name due to the large number of sailors that came from all over who were normally found hanging around the bar drunk as dogs. A green oval shaped sign hung from above the doorway with “Sea Haven,” and “Welcome” engraved into it. I walked to the entrance and took a step inside only to be smacked in the face by the foul stench of stale bread and age old haggis. As usual the bar was littered with sea dogs, laughing and guzzling down ale. I walked over to the bar to order a drink and to greet my old friend Ozzy. Ozzy was an American who stowed away on a ship to come and see England, but ended up working at The Sea Haven. When we met eyes a large grin appeared on his face. He walked out from behind the counter, slapped me on the back and said “Thatch my boy! How are you?” I responded with a simple Good, as always. We chatted for a few minute until he finally realized I wanted food and ale. So he walked off behind the counter to prepare my meal.


While I waited for my food, I thought about my past, what I had stolen, how many vampires I had killed. 19. Nineteen vampires I had killed and I didn’t regret any of it. Those beast took away my family, and only God knows what they did too them. The thought of that made me swell up in anger, and I raised my arm in the air and brought my fist down hard on the wooden table with a loud thud. The chatter of the men and sailors stopped. Everyone looked at me, but only for a moment, then they returned to their ranting.


It wasn’t much longer, before a young lady came strolling into the bar. Odd place for a woman, a bar like this. I thought to myself. I’d say she was around the age of 22, beautiful too. She wore a smile that reach from ear to ear. She walked over to the bar only a few seats down from me. She ordered milk, just milk. I laughed at it and she must have over heard me because she quickly spoke a responce. “Is there a problem with milk, Mr. Thief?” She asked. I gave a dumbfounded look to her. How did you k… I was interrupted as she answered my question before I finished saying 4 words. “Your cloak. It has every characteristic of a thief’s coat.” I smiled at this, I could clearly tell she was a bright young woman. “My name is Holly, Holly Heinrich.” She smiled back and turn back around to drink her milk. Well incase your wondering, and I’m sure you are, my name is Thatcher Gray, but everyone calls me Thatch. It took her a moment to respond but she finally did. “Well Mr. Gray, it’s quite nice to meet you.” So we chatted for some time as we ate our dinner. Finally she got up and said her goodbye and began to walk off toward the door. I yelled to her, Wait! Holly…I mean Miss Holly, may I have the honor of walking you home? She smiled again and responded, “Yes, I would like that.” I had never been in a relationship before, but Holly seemed like such a nice girl and she made me eager to start.


Holly lived only a few miles away from the Sea Haven, so the walk wasn’t to bad, but I would have walked hundreds of miles with her. The conversations we shared were so interesting. We discussed her family history and how the Heinrich family had disappeared. I told her stories my ancestors and how they had stolen from some of the wealthiest family and royals in Europe. All this fascinated her but she never once asked about (or for that matter, mentioned) Vampires. I was actually glad, I didn’t know too much about them, but what I did know wasn’t very pretty, and it certainly wasn’t suitable to tell a young lady.


When we finally reached her house we stopped on the porch. She turned around an looked at me and said, “Thanks for a wonderful evening Mr. Gray.” I simply said, You are very welcome, I quite enjoyed myself too. But please just call me Thatch. “Thatch,” She responded. “I’ll remember that.” She smiled again. A few seconds past by and nothing was said or heard. Finally the silence was broken by the howl of a dog somewhere far off. She was startled by it suprisingly, she almost jumped on top of me. “Oh, I’m terribly sorry, I always get scared when I here howls.” I laughed and said, Don’t be scared, I’m here to protect you after all if something were to ever go wrong. She laughed back and replied, “Oh my, a master thief is here to protect me? Well that is quite and honor, I’m so thankful.” We both laughed together. I said goodbye to her and began to walk off but she grabbed my shoulder and said “Wait!” I turned around to see her staring at me. Her eyes seemed to have darkened another shade of blue. She then look to the right and then to left and spoke only this. “Don’t worry, It will only hurt for a moment…”


Then, everything went black.

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