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Your Republic/Empire/CIS/Rebel Kit

H. McGinnis

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if you go on multi-player, infrastructure or ad hoc, then choose what weapons you want (ignoring cost) then switch the wlan switch off, you keep everything you had equipped, which is good for online, to kill the annoying hackers



thanks to this, i have full health, stamina, and capture rate. weapons wise, i usually use:


primary: bowcaster/chain gun

secondary: orbital strike/grenade launcher

explosives: cluster grenade (ideal for taking out tanks quickly) / wrist rockets

power up thing...: auto repair vehicle/regenerate


along with a jet pack.


bowcaster and jet pack are a good combination, as you can fly up as you charge the bowcaster, then drop down and snipe your enemy from above.


and my colours for all factions are black and dark blue, i keep it all the same, as i go online alot more than anything else.


(my online gamer tag is _LDR_Elite_599_)

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