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The Eternal War


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((I'm always up for stealing a car :D))


Tihon looked at the brown slightly wrinkled thing the first creature was holding. It made noises as the first creature handled the thing the smaller one handed to it. It was an interesting thing these creatures were displaying towards him, it was something he wanted to know more about. As the giant screaming creature aproached the area of massed gathered beings it was followed by several other slightly smaller darker creatures. Tihon wasn't sure what he should make of it, all the events that were pouring themselves out to him already were difficult enough to understand, but now something different was happening.


Other creatures more mysterious looking came out all looking similar it was hard to tell them apart. What Tihon found interesting enough however is that the dark large creatures seemed to just spit them out like it was nothing. The similar creatures approached Tihon and the ones trying to help him, or what he figured were gestures of helpfulness. The third creature he met said something that one of the similar looking creatures didn't like. It grabbed the one trying to help in what seemed out of some act of rage. Then suddenly the creature let go and started doing something strange, then the mass of creatures from before started running in some sort of panic.


All these events started to take its toll on Tihon's mind. IT was taking a toll not only on him but on the one that looked greatly different then all the other creatures. As the creature regained it's feet the voice from earlier spoke. Tihon stood there in silence not certain of what was happening. All he could do was stand there in wonder and amazment as he watched things unfold.

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They had walked for nearly an hour or so, and had wandered around some crowded and noisy streets, and had passed by some very interesting landmarks. But neither of them had been paying attention. They were both freezing as the snow poured down, and didn't even think about it. Once Aiden had nearly stepped into the road and she had to stop him from getting run over (not that it would have made a difference to a dark angel). It was an hour before midnight, and, finally, as she told her last funny story and Aiden stopped laughing, they both stopped on the end of the sidewalk, and Aiden came to a strange realization that for the past sixty minutes he had been locked into this strange trance by a human female--and he had not realized it now until he stood there, staring into her eyes.


It did not matter what he was, nor what she was. He was in love.


And it was at that inconvenient moment that the images started screaming through Aiden's mind. Images of angels, of meteors, of war and of Lucifer's wrath. Something was happening, something was happening at this very moment, and it was important.


And, yet, the importance died away quickly when she suddenly reached up and touched his face.


"It's like you're an angel," she said to him.


Inwardly cringing, Aiden said, "A dark angel, I guess."


But something stopped him from saying anything more. And as a rush of wind hit Aiden, something that Aiden had never experienced since--since a very, very long time ago--disabled him.


It was fear.


He was not of this world, he was on a mission to find something (or someone), and now he had suddenly fallen in love with a human and had nowhere to go for help. He could only run.


And so, the sweat beginning to run down his face, he began to look frantically around. She was utterly confused at this.


The images again poured into Aiden's mind. Strange things were afoot, and he was missing them. He had to figure out what was going on.


Breaking into a run, he headed for the only place he knew where he could find out anything at all--the library.


Into the old-fashioned stone building he ran, she following him, and through the wooden doors, he went as fast as he could without getting strange looks towards the nearest computer. The woman that almost stopped him was suddenly ignorant of his rule-breaking with a snap of his fingers, and within moments he was looking for the nearest source of news that he could find.


There it was--a news report. A meteor had fallen in--Nevada. Nevada? He had to get to Nevada?


A hand touched his shoulder. Gentle, but firm. Warm, yet disturbing.


"What's gotten into you? We share a moment and then you just--take off."


"Why did you follow me?"


"Because--" her voice broke off, and, her eyes wandering slightly, she quickly covered it up. Aiden, for once, did not notice, for he was frantically pondering on this new information. "Because something looked seriously wrong."


Walking past her, he ran outside into the cold storm and bolted down an alley. His jacket and shirt disappearing in wisps of black smoke, his wings bursting from his back, he looked over his shoulder--


She wasn't there.


Aching in his heart, Aiden shot into the sky, afraid and crushed in a matter of a few hours, but determined to fulfill his mission....


So that this eternal war could be finished once and for all.

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((Uhm, right now Aiden (Ataris) is currently headings towards Nevada, where we are. Raymond (Cyborg) used his mental powers to create an illusion of fire so spread mass panic to allow our characters to escape. Evie (MutantMix) is suggesting we steal one of the men in blacks cars to use as our escape.))

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((Gracias! Now, if I do this wrong, please let me know.))


Sonya glanced around herself. Everyone was screaming and panicing for some reason. And to make things more confusing, somebody was speaking in her mind!


We must move quickly! If any of you have some sort of mode of transportation now would be a good time to get it.


The young woman nodded for some reason. She then turned to the mysterious man, who seemed to be in a daze. She gently grabbed is arm. "Please! Come on! We're gonna getcha outta here! C'mon, please!" She wanted to follow the man and woman to the car that looked like belonged to the woman's friend or relative.

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Landing under an overpass, the night black as tar, Aiden sat down, wings blocking out the moonlight. He stared at the road, where cars were busily passing to wherever they mundane lives might take them. The stars shown like icy daggers in his heart this night, and he finally broke his gaze away from them, searching the area around him. Then, getting up, he resolved his next course of action in his mind. He walked along the road, away from town, and in the direction of the headlights in the sky. The airport.


So far he had managed to avoid any thoughts about his strange encounter not too long ago. It was unlike him to exhibit such emotions towards any human before, but it had happened, nonetheless. And now he was going to have to leave her. Regardless, it did not matter. Perhaps he could return--


No, when either side won this war, the other would be led into subjugation, and then they would have free reign over the Earth. It was a strange feeling that everything he was doing was useless in the end, but if he lost, then his life would mean nothing anymore.


Walking for another half hour, Aiden finally managed to "persuade" someone to give him a ride, and, after getting out in the airport parking lot (making sure to give himself some clothing once more, of course), he headed straight for the most expensive plane that he could find. Having booked a flight to Nevada for tomorrow morning, he sat down in the busy lobby and prepared himself for a night of sleep.


But that was certainly not going to happen....

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Tihon felt a tug upon his arm. When he looked he saw the first creature that tried to help him leading him some where. Tilting his head to the side he followed obediently to one of the creatures that spit out the similar looking creatures from before. As he traveled closer to the giant creature he felt something funny stirring with in his own chest, it felt like something inside was pounding hard.


Looking down at his other hand he noticed he still held onto the object the first creature had gifted to him. Tihon wasn't sure what was going on in fact all the events that had taken place started to wear down on his mind. He wanted answer, but everyone seemed to be in a rush to leave, and he didn't understand why.

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Stirring constantly, Aiden was unable to fall asleep. The people around him were either watching him or he was watching them, and strange thoughts kept streaming through his mind. Thoughts of the thing he was supposed to find--was it an angel? A dark angel? Or something else entirely? There was absolutely no way to know....But there was a possibility he could try and find the object.


Reaching out into the fabric of this world, something most humans had only a limited ability to do, he tried to sense whatever it was. But he had to search through millions of people, millions of objects, millions of creatures...and there it was. Strange that he had found something so quick. But when trying to figure out what he had found, it looked to him like...a human. No, it was something else. From the heavens? Suddenly the connection was broken. Severed, almost by the will of the thing that he was searching for.


Whatever it was, this thing was powerful.


A hand touched Aiden's shoulder. It was a woman. She felt strangely familiar, or perhaps it was just Aiden remembering...her. She sat down next to him, and asked him a question.


"Is this where we wait for our flights?"


"Yes," replied Aiden. A brief moment passed when he felt like being nasty, but something prevented him from doing so. Another peculiar event.


"Are you on the flight to Nevada?" she asked.


Startled, Aiden almost began to speak.


"I overheard you earlier. Don't worry about it." She smiled, almost as if she had just won something. Odd. He didn't remember her being there when he had come in....Perhaps this whole business had thrown him off severely. He looked at her more closely.


Flinching, his entire body suddenly became warm. It was her. But how had he not noticed her before...that was certainly not something normal....


Smiling again, she told him, "I'm coming with you." There was obvious tension in her voice.


"Why?" he asked.


"You look like you need some help. Besides, we're friends, aren't we?" She almost reluctantly looked down after she said these words, and then smiled at him again.


"Now, mind telling me why we're traveling halfway across the country?"

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Sonya looked over at the mysterious man and smiled. Then she turned to the others. They were now by the car. "Okay. We gotta move. Quick quick!"


She glanced back at the mysterious man.


"Forgot to give you my name. My name's Sonya. Sonya," she said, placing her hand over her heart with a smile.

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Tihon tilted at the word name. He knew what name mean, it was a way to identify one thing from another. Tihon looked into Sonya's eyes, hoping maybe by the slightest chance that he'll be able to see truth. And there was truth in Sonya's eyes.


"Sonya..." He said trying to get a feel for the name. His voice was deep and rough. "Sonya... what are you?" he said asking his first question out of several others he had stored inside his head.

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The young woman smiled brightly. It was as if he was trying his best to pronounce her name.


"Sonya... what are you?"


Sonya slightly tilted her head to the side and smiled. "Why... I'm Human. And so are you. I think..."


She smiled, gently touching his hand. "Everything's gonna be okay."

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