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Revan's Secret Apprentice

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**note that this story is based off of my mod, so I'm going canon with everything... (except maybe the exile... I might make the exile a Male)


Star Wars: Revan’s Secret Apprentice

The Galaxy is in turmoil as Malak’s fleet has taken over the Sith. Upon destroying his master’s flagship, the Star Destroyer. Revan is assumed dead by all. The Sith are in a power vacuum, despite Malak taking over.


However, on Dantooine, the Jedi Council discovers that Revan still lives. His mind and body preserved by the young Jedi apprentice Bastila Shan to help the Republic. The Jedi Council reprogrammed Revan with a new identity, loyal to the Republic.


Over the world of Taris, a Republic fleet is attacked by the Sith. Bastila Shan and the crew of the Endar Spire, including Revan now known as Yen Killo, are thrown into battle. Bastila and a few Republic Soldiers including Yen escape to Taris…


“Aaaaagh!” A loud yell pierced the halls of the apartment complex owned by one of the Tarisian Nobles. The kids were of course curious as to what was going on and one brave teenager stuck his head out of his door and saw the gruesome display in front of them. A couple of Republic Soldiers were standing over the bloodied corpse of three Sith Soldier. The clear leader of the group, a man dressed like a scoundrel held a blade in his right hand, staring down at the corpses.


“Yen, come on, we’ve gotta find her.” The other man said. His orange flight suit made him look like the pilot of the Republic cruiser that had just been destroyed. “Just grab a couple of suits and let’s get suited up.”


“Carth, let’s not make the citizen’s freak out and think we’re Sith… let’s go back to the base and get changed, the aliens know what we’re doing.” The man named Yen looked up into the eyes of the teenage boy that had poked his head back out. His eyes were soft and caring, like a Jedi’s eyes would be, but they also held past war experience and that scared the hell out of the boy. He pulled his head in and locked the door quickly.


“Remington Alexander Tarnas, what do you think you’re doing?!?” A shrieking feminine voice rang out across the room. The boy spun on his heels and looked at the woman dressed like a goddess.


“Sorry, mum.” He said, quietly and looked up at her again. “We need to hide… there are Republic Soldiers here. We can’t chance letting the Sith think that we’re housing them. And if we aren’t ‘here’ then obviously they can’t have a room.”


His mother simply rolled her eyes. “Listen, you know that I’m an ex-Jedi… I’m not scared of the Sith, I still have my lightsaber.” She said and walked back to the kitchen.


Remi’s eyes darted around the room and then a loud bang exploded against the door. His eyes widened and he ran and sat down behind a locker that his mother kept. The doors were blasted open and he heard the ping of blaster fire on the locker he was hiding behind. Shivers went down his spine; he peeked out from behind the locker and saw his mother staring at the intruders. It was the two Republic Soldiers from earlier. He heard his mother’s voice pleading with Yen and Carth. “Please don’t take anything… this is all I have left after my husband died.” She said, throwing her arms around the room, gesturing to every last little thing, including the locker.


“Oh, yes ma’am… please excuse us, we weren’t aware that there was anyone in here.” The voice of the man named Carth said quietly.


The two Republic soldiers left the apartment and Remi’s mother rushed over to him, strapping an odd metallic belt around his waist. She pressed a button on the center of it and looked at him. “You’re now invisible, please follow them… they are the key off planet and something is going to happen, I believe the Sith are going to destroy Taris.”


“But mom!” Remi protested. “If the Sith are going to destroy Taris, then you need to come with me!” He said, folding his arms across his chest, forgetting that she couldn’t see him. She just shook her head and forced him to follow Carth and Yen.


He followed them all the way to their apartments and slipped in as they started to close the door. He hid behind the only bed in the room and closed his eyes as the men started to change. He had to force back the gagging noises he would normally make, but he let a soft gag escape his throat and looked up, hoping that no one had heard him, however the man named Yen was about to put on his helmet, but he had froze and turned to the spot at which Remi was. He knew that someone was there.


“Yen, what’s wrong? We have to hurry up and find Bastila!” Carth exclaimed quickly.


“Nothing, nothing.” The other man replied and turned to look at his friend. “Just thought I had heard something… I guess I was daydreaming again.” He said and pulled his helmet on. And with that the two of them walked out the door, leaving Remi alone.

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