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The Chronicles of Morbius

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A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away


A prophecy was fortold:

"....And a Knight shall come, a battle shall be fought, and the prisoners will go free"


"You have failed Jerec. The prophecy has been fulfilled, and now these spirits around us will go free"


And with that, all around Kyle, the spirits from an ancient civilization became free, and left, for they were now free.


"Master Katarn! You must see this!"


It was a strange artifact, for it resembled one of the guarded Jedi Holocrons that were kept in the Temple on Coruscant. But this was different. It was not shaped like a cube, as the Jedi holocrons did, and it did not glow either. This artifact was a pyramid, and it did not glow, the only light from it was from the sun reflecting off of the golden sides of it. There were letters written in an ancient language etched upon its sides.


"What do think this is, Master?"


"I do not know, I only know that this must be taken to the Jedi Temple immediately."


But as they walked out of ruins, the artifact began to glow, a deep red, like the blade of Jerec's saber. Then the artifact began to speak, yet it was in a familar language, and as it spoke, more of the strange writing sprung from the artifact, and the voice said:


"You have found the Sith Holocron of the Lord Morbius, also called J'mee Fett, Mand'alor, Jen'ari, and many others. I have hoped that this was preserved from the Thought Bomb, which is being created as I speak. This is the Seventh Battle of Ruusan, from which, US! The Brotherhood of Darkness, shall prevail. Our Thought Bomb will destroy every living thing in its path. We shall sacrifice out lives for our brethren, who will continue our legacy, led by Darth Bane. I felt that as I result triumfate, I shall share with you, MY legacy. You have been chosen because you are the Knight that the prophecy fortold, who would fight a battle, and free the spirits that shall become trapped this day. You have not heard all of the Poem of Ancients, for in it, it names me.


A Lord shall come, a Lord of Darkness, and a battle will be fought.

All shall be destroyed in his path, and more shall be destroyed as he goes...

....And the Knight will free the spirits, and learn the legacy of the Great Destroyer

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I was born J'mee Fett on the fifth day of the fifth month, the year was 2627 ATC (After Treaty of Coruscant). I was born to Jonna and B'non Fett, of the Mandalorian Clan Fett. We lived a simple life, as farmers, until I was age 13.


I was out hunting, in the vast plains of Concord Dawn, when I heard blaster fire. My first suspicion was another hunter was out here, but the blaster fire was not that from a Fett's rifle, or any Fett firearm. My clan's weapons are quiet, so that any animal we are hunting is unable to hear the blaster fire. We Fetts also choose to take slow, powerful, accurate shots, unlike the rapid unaccurate fire of the Ordo. But that was what this fire was, the loud, rapid, inaccurate fire that only an Ordo would make. That....or an outsider. We have very few outsiders here, for there are few large cities here.


I ran home to find what had happened. I found my parents, my uncles, my entire family killed; massacred in the least honourable way possible, all of them were shot from behind. It was surely a squad of them, for a single man could not have orchestrated such a horrific scene. Searching through the carnage, I found that my cousin, who was named Cassus, after my great ancestor, was not there. Perhaps some of my family had escaped!


"Stop right there. Lower your weapons, and turn around."


It was then I remembered that I was still holding my D-14b, a present my uncle had given me upon turning 13, and that I had my durasteel knife clipped to my belt. I slowly lowered my rifle, and hoping they wouldn't see my knife, turned around.


"Put the knife down too. We are not fools, we can see it more clearly than you can."


I reluctantly unclipped my knife, and threw it into the ground. It was then I turned around, only to see there was no one there.


"Where are you! Show yourselves cowards! I am not afraid!" I shouted out of anger.


"You lie. We can sense the fear in your voice. We are everywhere, yet we are nowhere. We have watched you hunt, we know that you will find us eventually."


It was true. I do not know how, but I could SENSE where they were. One of them was crouched in the loft. The other 2 were behind a door, and they were all wearing the most peculiar armor I'd ever seen. It was a full-body suit, with the helmet connected to the body. I had heard about this armor, for it was what my great ancestor, Cassus Fett, wore. This was the ancient Neo-Crusader armor, that which was made obsolete a millenia ago when a Bralor created the Supercommando armor, which had resemblance to the Neo-Crusader, but was lighter, and more flexible. It was true then, that another clan had betrayed us. I would later assure that this clan would never be mentioned in any tomes or holocrons.


"Yes. We know you see us. And now that you see us, destroy us. That is, if you can find find a way. Our hiding spots are protected by Fragmentation Mines, you can not get to us without killing yourself, and you no longer have a blaster to shoot us with."


I realized that my prized D-14b was gone, stolen by those rats. I became enraged, both for the vengance of my family, and the loss of my prized weapon. But then, the most peculiar thing happened. I could no longer feel their prescence, it was as if they just disapeared from the homestead. But, then I realized that they were there, but they weren't there. Their bodies were there, but I had taken their lives, without knowing it, in my fit of rage. But then the dreaded voice came back.


"Good. Very, very good. You embraced your anger, and have in turn killed those who opposed you."


"Who......Who are you?" I exclaimed. "And where in the world are you?"


"I suppose my charade is over, here I am"


And then, right behind me, a Mandalorian donned in Supercommando came out of his stealth.


"Why could I not see you?"


"You could see me, you only wished to not see me. You did not want to see the true culprit of this scene. You only saw who you wished to see, my accomplices. You hold a great power, so great that you were able to steal the life from the others. Of course, if you had thought harder, you would have seen that there were no mines, and you would have been able to simply walk up to my "friends" to take them. I must assume that you have much more power than I ever imagined, which is why I wish to take you with me, to learn the ways of *true* mandalorian, one who fights, not farms. So you will now come with me, that is, of course, after you take everything you wish from here. You will find, travelling with me, that many people hold things you would like to have, and once they are gone, what is stopping you from taking them? For example, you cannot hide this from me, that you wish to don a suit of Neo-Crusader armor, for you believe that it is powerful. Through your travels, you will decide if you wish to keep it, or to continue wearing the simple armor of the Fetts. As you wish, you will depart with me before nightfall. My G-Wing was landed behind this place, you will find me there."


It was with that that he left me, to my sorrow. I chose to take my D-14b and durasteel knife back, as well as the helmets of my dead victims, to remind me that I have great power. I decided that my father would wish for me to take his armor, and twin blasters, as I would eventually grow to them. And with that, I took the three that were not my family, and buried them outside, and gave my family a proper journey, through the use of fire. I then left with my new "master", in his strange starship, and we left my homeplace, for what I then believed would be forever. The flames continued to leap up into the sky as we traveled to my new home, or at least what I thought would be a home.......

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"Welcome to the Cu'yan. This will become your new home for the next few years. I know you have many questions, but they will all be answered when we later. Until then, we have some time until we arrive."


"Arrive where?" I asked.


"Ni Digur! We are currently travelling to my homeworld, the moon of the planet Vinur. There, you shall learn more of the ways of the Mandalorian, and be trained in more advanced combat. But for now, since this will be your new home, you must learn the ways aboard this ship. As you saw when we docked, this is a Kyramud Battleship. It is composed of multiple decks, some of which you will be allowed on, some you won't. We are armed with numerous starfighters and Basilisks-You know what a Basilisk War Droid is, right?"


"No sir."


*Beten* "A Basilisk is the Mandalorian's primary-and most feared means of attack. They are one-manned, and are capable of being launched from a vessle-such as this-immediately to the planet, while being capable of firing missles, lasers, etc. during their descent. Of course, if the rider wishes, they can be used upon impact as well. Now, where was I-You are not allowed to enter any of the hangar bays without my permission, except for the one we entered in. It is the second hangar on the starboard side. Do you know what starboard, port, aft, and fore mean?"


I was getting tired of all this talk of things that I would most likely not need, but since he was obviously enjoying all of this talk, I reluctantly said the correct response: "No sir."


"Ok, the way we are facing now is Fore. That is the way toward the Bridge-the place where we pilot the ship and make most commands. Aft is behind you, the way to the engine room-which you are *not* permitted to enter. Starboard is to the right of you when you are facing Fore. Port is to your left when facing Fore. The hangars on the Port side are where we keep the Basilisks, so of course you will not be permitted there. Now, turn around. In front of you-which is what way?"


"Aft, sir"


"Good. Between here and the engine room are our Maintenence areas. You are permitted to go there, but will become very uninterested, unless you wish to take up a position as a Gotabor. Now, behind us, which is-"


"-Fore, sir."


"Yes, very good. To the fore is the main network of ladders. We are presently on Deck 01-Zero One. Below us are decks 1, 2, 3, and so on. The only things to find there are systems like our gun turrets, hyperdrive, things that you should not worry about, and never disturb. Above are decks 02-Zero Two, 03-Zero Three, and so on. The Command Bridge is on Deck 04. Our Barracks are on Deck 03. Compartments are organized according to importance to the ship. Normally, you being a new crew member, your compartment would be found in the back of the ship. However, you are under my guardianship, so your compartment is located directly across from mine, mine is the first on the Port side, so yours is the first on the Starboard side. On Deck 02 are the armories, training rooms, and the Gotabor's barracks. You would not find it pleasurable to find yourself in their way. The armories are open to you, in addition to the training rooms, as long as you leave everything EXACTLY the way you found it. On Deck 04 is, as I said, the Command Bridge, as well as other computer rooms, and the Pilot's compartments. Again, I would advise you to stay away from them whilst they are gaining their much needed sleep. Now, come with me to our barracks, we must talk more, in private.

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Of course, I did make my way to my compartment, for I had many questions to answer.


"Here is the card to open your door. You and I are the only members of the crew that will have access, if anything goes wrong, you should contact me. Now, let us enter, there is much for us to talk about..."


I was so curious, I had to contain myself from asking to many questions. Even still, I bombarded him with a barrage of questions.


"Why did you take me? Why is my ENTIRE family dead? WHO ARE YOU??!?! Where are we going? Why is everything so secretive? What is on this ship that you are hiding from me? WHY DO YOU EVEN CARE ABOUT ME??!?!?"


"Slow down. First of all, you will know me as 'Sir', 'Captain', 'Commander', and 'Master'. My true name is unimportant. I am the captain of this vessel, which has been on a mission for the past year, of which you *will* not be concerned. I am the leader of my clan, the secret clan of the Vinor. We are not related by blood, we are the elite of all of the Mandalorians. Thus, I am also the leader of the Mandalorian culture, Mand'alore. As you know, when the average Mandalorian comes of age, the age of 13, he is to face a trial, and become a man. Your trial was that which you have recently experienced, the slaughter of your family. You have passed, for you avenged them, although at a great cost. As I said, you are en route to the moon of Vinur, where you will be trained to be one of us, the elite. Your family was killed because they were straying from the ways of the Mandalorian. We, however, chose to keep you alive, for you showed promise. Let's just say that I am not HIDING anything from you, you are welcome to explore any part of the ship, as long as you know that your curiousity will only bring pain-maybe death. Finally, you have been watched ever since you turned 3, and you were proved to show superb qualities, including one of the most uncommon traits we have ever seen-that which allowed you to take the life of another with your mind."


"Now, enough of this, we have a long voyage ahead of us. I would suggest studying the History of the Mandalorians, or training. I see that you have chosen to don your buir's old armor. But his colours mean nothing to you. Green means Duty, Blue means Reliability. You have not fought enough to be worthy. I would suggest painting it in the colors of Black-Justice, and Red-Honouring your Father. Now, I need some rest. Goodbye."


And with that, I left for the armory, to paint my armor in the Red and Black, as he suggested. I wandered off, wondering what all of this meant? Was there a conspiracy against my clan? Was my family truly dead? I chose to erase all of these thoughts, and instead, engage myself in the wonderful thrill of combat, even if it was simulated.


But training can bore after a time, so I chose to discover what else is on this ship. I found a damaged stealth generator in the armory and equip it. I knew that the stealth would only be temporary, but I longed to discover what was hidden, for this ship must have had, at least 10 decks, which would mean 5 decks I was not allowed on. I also chose to grab a stun baton-however pitiful it is, it would do its job.


On Deck 2, I found very little. There was a large Droid Maintenance compartment, that took up most of the deck. There were many turrets on the starboard side, and a few on the port side. The upper part of the Hyperdrive was located on this deck, and I decided to move down to Deck 3.


There, the entire deck was composed of a large open area, with small walkways going around. This appeared to be the same area that the other Decks, 4, 5, and 6 were composed of. But there was something strange there, something that I had never seen before, and could not begin to imagine, or describe...It was a.......a.......


*****Heres a picture of the way his armor is coloured, thanks to Zammap's Mando Maker*****



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