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Star Wars Kotor: What would it be like if.....

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This text has exestiert slightly longer from me in Germany and I want it to be presented to you in English. I hope you have some fun with this story.


It is a story that would be if it is what would have happened if Revan would no longer seek the Starmap. I'd appreciate feedback.


The story is my idea (Queen of the Night), the persons and names are copyright of LucasArts and Bioware.


Approaching Manaan (Last Starmap)


Revan was still in shock about it that she was Lord Revan and robbed her of sleep. She could not compete against Malak, she did not feel strong enough, and then there was the issue Carth Onasi. The bond to him, had become weaker, she missed the warmth of him but he was now point to the cold side.


Carth had even sat up front in the cockpit and looked outside where Manaan slowly became clear he did not see the face of this planet, but Revan was totally shocked about it than Malak reveals her who she really had been. And Carth was angry at himself when he talks to the result that they all thought after the escape had been led by the Leviathan. His heart was still beating for Revan, but he could not forget what she had ordered. Memories rose up in him than he thought to Telos and the day as his wife died in his arms.


Nevertheless, he had to speak with Revan, he could no longer endure the coldness that existed between them.




Then slowly the Hawk landed in the hangar of Manaan and Carth sighed lightly because the approach was a bit tricky. So he got up and walked into the main cargo hold where T3, HK-47, Mission, together with Zaalbar, Juhani and Jolee, but stayed by Revan was nothing to see. "Did any of you ge Revan ....." He could not finish his sentence because at that moment Revan appeared. Carth immediately noticed that she looked tired and her voice sounded tired when she proclaimed: "It is late and tomorrow we should look for the Map."


Jolee gave her a thoughtful look, then to Carth and back again: "You shall be entitled to a child and you should also abide by them. The fight against Malak no picnic. I want a story ...."


A Unanimous "No" echoed through the primary cargo hold and on Revan's face was a brief smile, which immediately disappeared.




They all went to rest, only Mission and Carth stayed in the Primary Cargohold where Revan was still pensive. Mission, with its sense of sadness, that would distract the young woman and asked, "Hey, feel like a round Pazaak? I am quite good at it." The young Twi-lek grinned at Revan. "Oh no, I'm not just let this focused enough." "Pity," said Mission, and looked behind Revan who retired in her Quatier. Then she turned to Carth: "Tell me Carth, why do not you talk to her? I believe I have no idea of your true status of our relationship, but maybe you should tell her that her old life does not stand between you. And it seems but a blind man, the lack of sleep has to do with you."


Carth wanted to reply but this Mission, simply let him stand and withdrew as well. So where go Carth to the Room of Revan went there but was stopped by HK-47, stopped in front of her Quatier guard. "Note: Stop, here no one is allowed through." "HK, I must speak with Revan. It is important, so let me through." HK remained stubbornly and with his metallic voice, he repeated: "Note: No one here can by, my master has commanded it. And when you meatbag through here, I want to shoot you."

Carth sighed, with this Assasindroid could not be discussed, and he trusted that this also means to him would also be shot. Thus, retired tomorrow, hoping to speak with Revan could alone.


It was night on Manaan and the Hawk was quiet, had only Revan was awake. She had made a decision and would do that too. With a grace of a cat, she got up from the meditation posture and disguised their presence so could not tell others that she had gone to HK. Thoughtfully, she wandered through the Hawk, and quietly took his leave from the others and then remained as a last stand in the cockpit where Carth had his Quatier. He looked so peaceful and Revan did it hurt to go but it had to be for their sake and his sake. She had chosen the decision not taken lightly but it should be. She knelt down beside him, kissed him lightly as a feather on the lips, he did not move and she got up again. She cast one last look at him and then silently left the Ebon Hawk.


The next morning Jolee was awake and wanted to see as the first just after Revan, for her fatigue was the old man's worries when he came into the vicinity of Revan's Quatier he heard a discussion between Carth and HK. When he stood, just slipped past Mission dispute taps. She entered the Quatier and no one was there. "That does not exist, it is no longer here," announced Mission loudly and turned to the people. Carth was surprised but not worried and said this: "Maybe we should all speak in the Cargo Hold of it."


Even in the hold were all there except Revan and Carth said the path was then he turned to HK: "You stood the entire time before her Quatier, did you see today is whether they go?" HK once gave this answer: "Statement: My Master have the Quatier not leave." "And yet it's gone", countered Carth. But before further conflict could erupt Juhani thought for a while and then gave her opinion: "Maybe they alone can move around the Map, and has told us not know." Carth, but did not agree, because most of Revan had left not only their people, when they had gone looking for the Cards. "Maybe you're right but that would not adapt to it, you know what I mean." Mission shook his head: "But when you consider what it would be far everything is happening. My opinion we should wait for them." Everyone was waiting to disagree and still made himself not so much worried about Carth Revan but one little concern but remained firm in his heart.




When Revan did not show up in the Evening and had not reported it was Carth definitely worried. Had she done or what she had been abducted? Such thoughts and more his thoughts and he wanted to run circled, looking for her and then he realized how stupid that thought was, he would never find it. Therefore, all sat down together again in the Cargo Hold and argued about what to do now that they came to the conclusion that you had to talk to Dodonna.


Carth got in touch with her on and so Dodonna appeared completely exhausted as a hologram, and yet she was glad to see Carth too.


Forn: "Onasi, what is it? I hope not more problems."

Carth: "Sorry, but Admiral." and so he told the young leader had not gone (but that this had proved to be Revan) and until now they knew how they should proceed.


Forn thought for a while and then: "That's annoying but as you know roughly where to find the Starmap you should look for her and find out the location of the Star Forge."


Carth wondered where the Admiral knew that again with the Star Forge, but it failed to ask. "Well, we immediately begin the search."


Forn just nodded and wished the group good luck, then disappeared into her hologram and Carth looked at the others. "You have heard it, we look for the Map." Mission, but had noticed something but Jolee forestalled her, "Boy, did you forget to mention that our leader is Revan." "But this I know that now is not completely relevant to our search" and thus was Carth finished talking, he knew exactly Dodonna later was able to provide even where it would probably read him the riot act for the lie.


So the search began for the Starmap on Manaan.


Star Forge/Some Times later


Revan was approaching the Star Forge and had to avoid the fighting groups. She was in a hurry because she had realized she had made a mistake, they had left their people in the lurch, and they had no chance against Malak. She had to save her and Carth in her arms, she felt that it was urgent, the band felt it was weak. She wiped a tear from the eye, light and landed the small room in the hangar without prejudice to the Star Forge, where they immediately jumped out and ran past the small boat with activated lightsaber to a few Jedi who watched her in astonishment afterwards, in the midst of the complex Star Forge.


That it was strange and not an enemy coming towards Revan suspecting a trap, but nothing happened, although they remained cautious. On the floor lay several dead Sith, Jedi and droids, and the closer they came to the first floor, the more numerous were the dead bodies and then they found the two dead bodies of their people. It was Mission and Zaalbar, both looked as if they had defended themselves bravely against overwhelming odds, but they were probably not arrived despite several dead bodies lying around them of their opponents, mainly droids and two Sith soldiers. She knelt next Mission, and closed her eyes. "Sleep, well, little sister", said Revan in a sad voice, and looked to Zaalbar, which they also closed his eyes and apologized to him. Then she got up and hurried on the second floor they found the body of Canderous. A triumphant smile on his face and the dead bodies of his slain opponent showed that he died a brave death, as it is for a Mandalorian was here she closed his eyes and wished the brave warrior and a good new life. She tried not to cry and yet they lost at the sight of a few tears. You alone felt guilty for the life that had died here, but they still had a chance.


The third floor was reached, and here were the two droids HK and T3, both totally scrap with the lightsaber. Revan did not stop long but went further, for three people she had not yet found Jolee, Juhani and Carth. Perhaps they were still alive. Soon after she reached the place where Bastila was staying, she was feeling well and Revan ran through the door and nearly tripped over the bodies of Jolee and Juhani. Bastila stood, despite the concentration, had felt Revan and remained at a distance are at Revan.


"Bastila let me through."


B: "But of course you can by Revan, but you come too late. My master has been victorious and your lover is lying dead at his feet."


That could and she did not believe that Carth was dead, that would have felt it. They had been so close even though they had had a quarrel.


"You lie like all the Sith."


B: "(laughs) but of course I am a Sith and you were a Sith, what are you going? If we want to fight?"


"No." Bastila pass and ran to and fro where the elevator leading to the fourth floor, she had to save Carth. He was not dead, it was not easy.


At last reached the fourth floor and Revan walked through the door into the inner sanctuary of the Star Forge and as predicted by Bastila Carth was actually dead at Malak's feet, who did not seem surprised to see Revan. But Revan saw only the corpse of Carth and hastened with rapid steps to the corpse, she knelt down beside him and they were not interested what did Malak. Just crying, and some tears fell on his face from Carth that still had an angry facial expression. "Oh, Carth, I did not want to. I failed."


M.: "You did, in fact Revan but forget the dropping and fight with me or it will be boring."


She looked up at him: "Why did you do that?" He was innocent." Malak looked bored down to her: "Because he has attacked me and I

did it because I must protect my Imperum. I have no idea that you show up here and make a scene like a love-bird." Then he laughed and he said: "Oh that's really amusing, the coolest woman in the galaxy, has fallen in love and have feelings." She lowered his eyes and knew it was right be final Malak was with his sarcasm, she looked again to the dead and Carth took a resolution of this time. We'll be together forever. Revan promised and stood up the lightsaber, they already had in her hand: "All right, we finish it." "With pleasure", growled Malak and banged. His lightsaber fully met Revan, who had not fought and then fell dead to the ground. "It was boring", commented Malak the fight but he was also glad that Revan did not defend herself. Now, nothing could stop him.


And so it happened that the Republic of Malak captured and transformed into a Sith Empire. Would there be hope? But the Republic could be freed from the clutches of the Sith? No one knows but if it would be if we would know it.



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